10 Easiest Transfer Majors: UCSC, UCR, UC Merced | CA College Transfer (2025)

10 Easiest Transfer Majors: UCSC, UCR, UC Merced | CA College Transfer (1)

Choosing a UC major if your GPA is sort of wonky

As part of a series on the Top Ten easiest majors for transfer students at each of the UCs, the following covers Santa Cruz, Riversideand Merced.

As previously noted, these lists donot includethe following:

  • Language:All language majors have higheradmits and lower admitted GPAs
  • Creative arts, which usually have lower GPAs but includeaportfolio (and often have low admit rates)
  • STEM majors because of the high number of required prep courses.

If you are not clear aboutMid-Range GPA or Admit Rate, see 10 Easiest Majors at Berkeley, UCLA and San Diegofor details. You may also viewthe 10 Easiest Majors at Irvine, Davisand SantaBarbara.

10 Easiest Majors to Transfer into UCSanta Cruz

1.Women's Studies3.31 - 3.6871%
2.Art History3.20 - 3.6368%
3.Linguistics3.04 - 3.7171%
4.Literature3.13 - 3.6774%
5.History2.98 - 3.6072%
6.Legal Studies2.93 - 3.4766%
7.Earth Science3.08 - 3.5070%
8.Community Studies3.16 - 3.6169%
9.Politics3.06 - 3.6569%
10.Anthropology3.10 - 3.6767%

10 Easiest Majors to Transfer intoUCRiverside

1.Ethnic Studies2.86 - 3.3689%
2.Global Studies2.93 - 3.4875%
3.English2.96 - 3.5977%
4.History2.97 - 3.5575%
5.Religious Studies2.83 - 3.2880%
6.Public Service - Poli Sci2.90 - 3.5188%
7.Anthropology2.90 - 3.5179%
8.Economics3.02 - 3.5481%
9.Political Science2.91 - 3.5377%
10.Sociology2.91 - 3.4477%

4Easiest Majors to Transfer intoUCMerced

I only listedfour here becausethere are not that many majorsat Merced and the Comp Sci and Bio majors are fairlycompetitive and course-intensive.

Undeclared2.92 - 3.4194%
Economics3.03 - 3.5464%
Political Science2.96 - 3.5962%
Psychology2.91 - 3.4856%


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Hello Lindy,

    I am in Jr year, my GPA bad got affected in sophomore due to remote school and also health issues.
    Now GPA shows upward trend in JR year. I have about 3.5 unweighted GPA( 1 D in sphomore year due to health condition , which retook in summer and got A) . My weighted GPA is about 3.7-3.8.

    What are my chances to get into UC Irvine or UC SantaCruz or UCR or UCDavis for Phsycology or neuroscience or Bio majors?
    Or any other majors that’s is easy to get in?

    Is it easy transfer major at most of the UCs?

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10 Easiest Transfer Majors: UCSC, UCR, UC Merced | CA College Transfer (2)

Lindy King

Lindy is an independent UC admissions consultant, who works with both transfers and freshmen. She also has just completed her first novel, a supernatural thriller set in San Francisco.

10 Easiest Transfer Majors: UCSC, UCR, UC Merced | CA College Transfer (2025)


10 Easiest Transfer Majors: UCSC, UCR, UC Merced | CA College Transfer? ›

General studies is the easiest major if you have lots of transfer credits. That's because more of your credits will count toward your degree with this flexible major. If you've taken college classes in math, communication, business, or other fields, you can turn them into a personalized general studies major.

What is the easiest major to get into UCSC? ›

Non-Screening Majors for Transfer Students
  • Linguistics.
  • Literature.
  • Music, B.A.
  • Music, B.M.
  • Philosophy.
  • Politics.
  • Spanish Studies.
  • Theater Arts.

What is the easiest major to transfer into? ›

General studies is the easiest major if you have lots of transfer credits. That's because more of your credits will count toward your degree with this flexible major. If you've taken college classes in math, communication, business, or other fields, you can turn them into a personalized general studies major.

Can you transfer from UC Merced to another UC? ›

While the University of California gives California community college students first priority over other transfer applicants, the University also accepts those from four-year institutions. In addition, it's possible to transfer from one UC campus to another.

What is the hardest major to get into at UCSC? ›

UCSC: For freshman applicants, at this time, only the Computer Science B.S. and Computer Science B.A. majors are selective. Freshman applicants must list Computer Science as their primary major choice on the UC Application if they are interested in it.

What is the easiest major at UCR? ›

10 Easiest Majors to Transfer into UC Riverside
1.Ethnic Studies2.86 - 3.36
2.Global Studies2.93 - 3.48
3.English2.96 - 3.59
4.History2.97 - 3.55
6 more rows
Jan 31, 2017

What are the three most popular majors in UCSC? ›

Most Popular Majors
  • Computer Science. 670 Graduates.
  • Psychology. 510 Graduates.
  • Cellular Biology. 297 Graduates.
  • Managerial Economics. 291 Graduates.
  • Sociology. 261 Graduates.
  • Environmental Science. 208 Graduates.
  • Political Science and Government. 196 Graduates.
  • Cinematography and Video Production. 177 Graduates.

What is the easiest major to get accepted into? ›

Check out the easiest college majors below:
  • Humanities.
  • Liberal Arts.
  • Linguistics.
  • Music.
  • Psychology.
  • Religious Studies.
  • Social Work.
  • Sociology.

What is the quickest easiest degree to get? ›

Here are your options.
  1. Business Administration. Business administration programs offer a comprehensive education in diverse aspects of business management. ...
  2. Computer Science. ...
  3. Accounting. ...
  4. Management. ...
  5. Management Information Systems. ...
  6. Social Work. ...
  7. Psychology. ...
  8. Counseling.
7 days ago

What is the least difficult major? ›

Easiest Majors in College
  1. Business Administration. Business administration is considered one of the easier majors to choose as a college student. ...
  2. Psychology. Learning about the human mind is very interesting. ...
  3. English. ...
  4. Education. ...
  5. Communications.
Apr 5, 2024

What GPA do you need to transfer to UC Merced? ›

TAG Criteria

» Complete 30 UC-transferable units by TAG submission. » Earn a minimum GPA of 2.8 for majors in the School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts (3.0 for the Psychology major); a 2.9 for majors in the School of Natural Sciences; and 3.0 for majors in the School of Engineering.

What GPA is needed for UC Merced? ›

3.45 - 4.00

What is the acceptance rate for UC Merced? ›

UC Merced admissions is somewhat selective with an acceptance rate of 89%. The regular admissions application deadline for UC Merced is November 30.

Does UC Santa Cruz admit by major? ›

However, lower-division transfers and second-baccalaureate students are also considered, as are transfer students from colleges other than California community colleges. Is choice of major one of your criteria for admission/selection? Yes.

What is the lowest GPA accepted to UCSC? ›

Minimum Qualifications for UC

Earn a grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 or better (3.40 or better for a non-resident of California) in these courses with no grade lower than a C. The Entry-Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) can be satisfied by Directed Self-Placement, standardized test scores, or other means.

What degrees is UCSC known for? ›

The most popular majors at University of California, Santa Cruz include: Computer and Information Sciences, General; Psychology, General; Business/Managerial Economics; Cell/Cellular and Molecular Biology; Sociology, General; Film/Video and Photographic Arts, Other; Political Science and Government, General; Biology/ ...

Is it easy to get into UC Santa Cruz? ›

The acceptance rate at UC Santa Cruz is 47.1%.

For every 100 applicants, 47 are admitted. This means the school is moderately selective.

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