[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (2024)

The Flameblast Totem League Starter Inquisitor build. Budget friendly version with total cost not exceeding 100 Chaos Orbs

The Best Crafty Guides by Odealo

Estimated budget: low
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (1)

Guide notes
March 4, 2018
-Updated Skill Trees to Patch 3.2

This is the budget and beginner's friendly version of ourFlameblast Totem Life Build. This is one of the most efficient League starter buildsconsidering very low cost and item requirements. The build can maintain high damage and mobility with no expensive gear requirements.

You can also find our otherPath of Exile buildsover here:Odealo's Crafty Guides - Full List

1. Gameplay

Flameblast is a channelled spellthat deals incredible damage at 10 stacks. Because player would be completely vulnerable when channelling the Flameblast (and unable to avoid attacks and spells) the build benefits greatly from the use of Spell Totem Support gem.

2. Build's PROS & CONS

  • very high dps with one of the high dps/cost ratios in Path of Exile
  • budget and beginner friendlythe build does not require any expensive items and is completely viable for low-tier maps with barely 4linked main dps setup
  • great starter build with no rare uniques required, that could delay your progress during first days of the new League
  • good mobility thanks to use ofShield Charge
  • elemental reflect resistance like any other Totem build
  • highly dependand on cast speed statistic
  • moderate clear-speed
  • Totem builds don't exactly provide the most exciting gameplay experience

3. Leveling tips

You can easily level up your Templar using theFlame Totem Spell starting at level4. You should prioritize getting the Ancestral Bond node, which will allow you to have 2 active Totems at a time and basically doubles your dps. At level 28 you should swap the Flame Totem setup with the Flameblast linked to Spell Totem. From now on you should mainly look for Life/res rares and cast speed items.

Suggested leveling gemsetups:

Flame Totem setup (up till level 28)
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (4)Flame Totem- great leveling Totem gem. Input it in a +1 socketed gem's level wand (Lifespring for example)
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (5)Faster Casting Support - the most important support gem for Flame Totems
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (6)Added Cold Damage Support- great damage boost to your Totem's projectiles
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (7)Added Lightning Damage Support - same as above
Flameblast Totem setup (lvl.28+)
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (8)Spell Totem Support - mandatory, unless you want to channel the spell yourself (not exactly our recommendation)
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (9)Flameblast - your main dps spell starting from level 28. Don't bother much with quality early on, its' base damage will do the job nevertheless
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (10)Faster Casting Support - mandatory support gem for this setup. Will allow Totems to charge Flameblast faster
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (11)Increased Area of Effect Support - will boost the Flameblast's aoe radius

[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (12)[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (13)
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Kill all bandits for additional 2 passive points.

Leveling skill trees:

32 Points skill tree
Priorities: 1) Purity of Flesh2) Ancestral Bond 3) Shamanistic Fury.Ancestral Bond is the top priority here, however in order to get there faster you would be saving up only 3 Passive points, missing a lot of Life/Spell damage bonuses along the way. It's just not worth it so we go through the Retribution/Purity of Flesh nodes

65 Points skill tree
After switching to Flameblast Totem it's advised to alter the previous Skill tree a little. You should get both the Amplify and Blast Radius nodes, and take the "upper" lane towards Ancestral Bond. Also you can either prioritize Totemic Mastery first or fill up some of the extra Life nodes first (depending on your current needs)

Recommended leveling items:

[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (14)Stone of Lazhwar- inexpensive and easily accessible amulet option. Grants additional Mana and Cast speed, both extremely important for the leveling part of this build (Considering rather fine bonuses, and amazing Cast speed stat, you can consider wearing this amulet after switching to your final build, untill you can afford a better amulet)
+(20-30) to Intelligence
50% of Block Chance applied to Spells
(10-15)% increased Cast Speed
+(30-50) to maximum Mana
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (15)Lifesprig- great leveling wand. Grants the extremely powerful +1 socketed fire gems attribute and is accessible as early as level 1
(8-12)% increased Spell Damage
+1 to Level of Socketed Spell Gems
(20-28)% increased Spell Damage
(5-8)% increased Cast Speed
+(15-20) to maximum Life
+(15-20) to maximum Mana
Regenerate (6-8) Life over 1 second when you Cast a Spell
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (16)Abberath's Horn- another great spell-caster's leveling wand. We suggest dual wielding wands, with Lifesprig/Rare +1 wand with Flametotem socketed, and Abberath's Horn for the added Fire damage bonus
(10-14)% increased Spell Damage
(20-30)% increased Fire Damage
Adds (4-6) to (8-12) Fire Damage to Spells
(40-60)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+10 Life gained on Killing Ignited Enemies
25% reduced Ignite Duration on Enemies
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (17)Wanderlust- budget-friendly leveling boots. Also provides the extra Freeze immunity
+5 to Dexterity
(20-40)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
+(10-20) to maximum Energy Shield
20% increased Movement Speed
Cannot be Frozen
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (18)Emberwake- grants amazing dps boost to your Fire spells, as well as the increased Cast speed
+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance
(30-40)% increased Fire Damage
(5-10)% increased Cast Speed
10% chance to Ignite
You can inflict an additional Ignite on an Enemy
Ignited Enemies Burn 65% slower

4. Final Skill tree, Ascendancy Points and Pantheon

Final skill tree:
115 Points Final Skill tree
115 Points Path of Building link
Our suggested order would be 1) Arcane Potency 2) Annihilation 3) Consitution and surrounding Life nodes. Later on you can either take the path to the right (towards Coordination) or fill in the remaining Life/Mana/Jewel passives

Ascendancy points:

Preferably in that order:

  1. Righteous Providence
  2. Inevitable Judgement
  3. Instruments of Virtue
  4. Augury of Penitence


Major God : Soul of Brine King - You cannot be Stunned if you've been Stunned or Blocked a Stunning Hit in the past 2 seconds

Minor God : Soul of Ryslatha -Life Flasks gain 3 Charges every 3 seconds if you haven't used a Life Flask Recently

5. Final gems links

[DPS] Flameblast Totem setup (in Body Armour)
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (19)Spell Totem Support- pretty much a self-explanatory pick for this build
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (20)Flameblast- the core dps of this build. Will be cast/channelled by your Spell Totems
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (21)Faster Casting Support- one of the most important support gems for this setups.
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (22)Controlled Destruction Support - another great dps boost
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (23)(bosses)Concentrated Effect Support - another good option for single-target fights
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (24)(farming/leveling)Increased Area of Effect Support - this is a good pick for mapping/leveling
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (25)(6L)Elemental Focus Support - another good dps boost, as long as you can afford the 6th Link
[MOBILITY] Shield Charge setup
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (26)Shield Charge- your main mobility skill
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (27)Faster Attacks Support - grants additional speed to your Shield Charge
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (28)Fortify Support- grants a good damage reduction buff as long as you make melee hits with the Shield Charge attack
[AURAS] Purity of Elements and Haste
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (29)Purity of Elements- there aren't many beneficial auras for this build, so we recommend using Purity of Elements which will let you save a couple of orbs on some gear pieces
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (30)Haste- another decent aura for this build. Will improve your mobility and grant faster Flameblast channelling
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (31)Summon Lightning Golem - will grant you similar effects to the Haste aura
[DEFENSIVE] CwDT Immortal Call setup
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (32)Cast when Damage Taken Support- will automatically cast the Immortall Call spell, granting you brief immortality (keep it at level 1)
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (33)Immortal Call - grants brief immortality. Do not upgrade the gem above level 3
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (34)Increased Duration Support- increased the duration of Immortal Call spell
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (35)(optional)Vaal Haste- if you can afford it, and have the 4th link it's not a bad idea to include it in this setup
[UTILITY] Orb of Storms Power Charge generation
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (36)Orb of Storms- this spell has great crit mechanics that will generate a lot of cheap Power charges
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (37)Power Charge on Critical Support
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (38)(optional)Increased Critical Strikes Support- this will boost the entire setup, however it's not mandatory and can be skipped untill you progress further into the game
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (39)(optional)Chain Support - same as above
[CURSE] Enfeeble + Arcane Surge 4L setup
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (40)Enfeeble- our recommended curse. You have to cast it manually, but since its' casting speed is very high, it will be very easy to get the Arcane Surge buff from recasting the curse
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (41)Arcane Surge Support - a buff that grants additional spell damage, cast speed and mana regeneration
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (42)Faster Casting Support- one of the recommended options, so that you don't waste too much time on reapplying your curse to get the buff
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (43)Increased Area of Effect Support - your curse will cover a wider area

[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (44)[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (45)
Buying PoE Currency with real money is a hassle-free way to get all the items you need for your character.

5. Gear Setup

This Flameblast Totem build in total can be build on just a 35 Chaos Orbsbudget. At this point we would love to invite you to visit ourPoE Orbs Shop[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (46)in case you are short on currency to get all the required items.

The recommended gear pieces will:

  1. Cap your resistances
  2. Grant sufficient Life pool for low tier mapping
  3. Give you more than enough damage to enjoy the game
  4. Save you at least a couple of hours, since everything is already planned out for you!

Stat priorities on items:

  1. Life
  2. Elemental Resistances
  3. Increased Cast Speed
  4. Increased Totem/Spell/Fire/Area Damage
  5. Critical Strike Chance for Spells
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (47)(Helmet) Rare Life/tri-res helmet- as most of the items for this build, we go for the highest Life/res combination available in your current budget
Min. requirements:
75 maximum Life
25% Fire Resistance
25% Cold Resistance
25% Lightning Resistance
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (48)(Body Armour) Rare Life/res armour with at least 4 linked sockets
Min. requirements:
85 maximum Life
35% Fire Resistance
35% Cold Resistance
35% Lightning Resistance
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (49)(Body Armour)Carcass Jack - this armour is rather cheap if you don't care for perfect rolled stats. Nevertheless it will grant amazing dps buff if you are lacking it for some reason. It might be hard to acquire early in the league though, and you might need to add some extra resistances on gloves/ring slots
3% reduced Movement Speed (Hidden)
(120-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(9-12)% to all Elemental Resistances
20% increased Area of Effect of Area Skills
(40-50)% increased Area Damage
Extra gore
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (50)(Weapon Slot)Cast speed Sceptre- this is not the best option for the Flameblast Totem build in general, however any guide that suggests using Cast speed/Spell damage dagger in a budget-friendly/league-starter build is b****t. We can still manage to get a Sceptre with good stats for a couple chaos orbs. Prices of daggers with similar stats start at around 1 Exalted Orb
Min. requirements:
25% Fire Spell Damage
50% Increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells
15% Increased Cast Speed
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (51)(Shield)Cast speed/crit/life shield- with Cast speed and Life being the prioritized stats here. Getting one with high crit and spell damage might be extremely expensive, so just alter the filters to whatever is available at the moment
Min. requirements:
65 maximum Life
25% Fire Spell Damage
30% Increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells
10% Increased Cast Speed
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (52)(Belt) High Life/res belt- grab the highest Maximum Life one you can afford
Min. requirements:
95 maximum Life
25% Fire Resistance
25% Cold Resistance
25% Lightning Resistance
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (53)(Boots) Rare Life/res boots- once again. High (20%+) Movement speed bonus is also recommended
Min. requirements:
70 maximum Life
12% Fire Resistance
12% Cold Resistance
12% Lightning Resistance
20% increased Movement Speed
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (54)(Gloves) Rare Life gloves- possibly with additional mana/intelligence bonuses. If you are level 73 or higher you can also try to find a pair with additional spell damage (Silk gloves). Since we no longer need any additional resistances you should be easily able to afford those aswell
Min. requirements:
75 maximum Life
50 maximum Mana
35 Intelligence
Optional affixes:
increased Spell Damage
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (55)(Amulet) Rare Life/Cast speed amulet- just aim for the highest Life/Cast speed combination you can afford. We also add additonal stats including Maximum Mana/Intelligence (both so that you can keep both your auras up) as they shouldn't increase the price at all
Min. requirements:
65 maximum Life
45 maximum Mana
25 Intelligence
8% increased Cast Speed
Optional affixes:
increased Fire Spell Damage
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (56)[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (57)(Rings) RareLife/cast speed rings- same rules apply as with the amulet slot. Additional Mana or Attributes are the extra stats you should be looking for
Min. requirements:
55 maximum Life
8% increased Fire Damage
5% increased Cast Speed
Optional affixes:
maximum Mana
Elemental Resistances
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (58)(Jewels) Rare Cobalt Jewels- preferably just cast speed. Since it's a starter build and you shouldn't go higher tier maps and areas, the damage should be sufficient, while the increased cast speed should be a cheapter and more usefull option
Recommended affixes:
% increased maximum Life
% increased Cast Speed
% increased Cast Speed while holding a Shield
Optional affixes:
% increased Generic/Spell/Fire/Totem/Area Damage
% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (59)(Flask) Rumi's Concotion- inexpensive flask that provides great defensive bonus
+3000 to Armour
(14-20)% Chance to Block during Flask effect
(6-10)% Chance to Block Spells during Flask effect
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (60)(Flask) Atziri's Promise- again, very useful flask that comes cheap
+35% to Chaos Resistance
2% of Chaos Damage Leeched as Life during Flask effect
Gain (15-20)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage during effect
Gain (10-15)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage during effect
Other suggested Flasks:
  1. Cautious Divine Life Flask of Heat(immunity to freeze and chill effects)
  2. Cautious Divine Life Flask of Staunching(immunity to bleeding)
  3. Cautious Divine Life Flask of Warding(immunity to curses)
[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (61)[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (62)[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (63)[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (64)[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (65)

[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (66)[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (67)
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We are looking forward to your feedback and suggestions for our next build.

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Grinding Gear Games.

[3.2]Starter Flameblast Totem Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (2024)
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