Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (2024)

There exist a total of 168 logs in the Hunter's Journal(164 not including special items), and if a specific set of 146 are completed it will award The Knight with the Hunter's Mark. Below is a list of the Enemies in the order that the Hunter's Journal uses, which you can use to compare with your own Hunter's Journal to find the Enemies you have not logged yet.

In the table below, some Enemies are not required for the Hunter's Mark; Those Enemies have been highlighted in dark purple, and do not need to be logged for you to acquire the Hunter's Mark.





Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (1)


Timid scavenger that crawls through the caverns looking for food.

Dull and pathetic. Hardly worth killing.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (2)


Flying predator that pursues its prey relentlessly.

This fierce little hunter will bravely chase down creatures many times its size. Admirable! It is weak though, and I have devoured hundreds of them with little effort or care.


Vengefly King

Patriarch of a vengefly colony. Swoops at intruders and cries out for reinforcements if threatened.

A filthy creature that is happy to chew on any old thing it finds discarded on the cavern floor. When it notices a threat it will annoyingly scream and shriek, so kill it swiftly.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (4)


Simple-minded creature that haphazardly buzzes around, bumping into things.

They only seem dimly aware of their surroundings, making them easy prey to cut your fangs on. What is it that guides them on their paths? It almost seems like they search for ways to die.


Gruz Mother

Mature gruzzer that carries its young in its belly. Attacks by hurling its huge body around.

Bizarrely, this monster does not lay eggs but instead carries its young inside of its fat stomach. This strange practice seems to exhaust the creature, making it sleepy and vulnerable. Take advantage!


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (6)


Uses its small, sharp claws to climb along walls and rooves.

Spends its time tap-tap-tapping its way through the roads and caverns near the surface of this kingdom. If you're patient, you can wait for it to come to you and pick it off.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (7)

Aspid Hunter

Bests its prey by spitting corrosive liquid. Often hunts in packs.

Cunning predators that will try to pick you off from a distance. Don't give them any space, just charge in and cut them down! You'll find they're not so cunning once they are dead.

8 Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (8)

Aspid Mother

Carries the eggs of its young inside its belly. Can hatch and birth its young as needed to deal with intruders.

Shamelessly uses its own young as a weapon against its foes! Appalling, yes, but I do admire its resourcefulness. Good hunters do not always make good parents.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (9)

Aspid Hatchling

Recently birthed, these young aspid instinctively swarm around intruders.

These hatchlings are born with an instinct to kill! They are still only infants though, and you can crush them between your fangs without thinking. Just don't let them overwhelm you with numbers.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (10)


Thickly armoured, it bursts from the ground to seize prey in its fangs.

These brutes seem to be impervious to most damage, so you can sharpen your weapons on their thick hide or just slash away at them for your own amusem*nt. They barely seem to notice.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (11)

Wandering Husk

The remains of a bug, animated by a strange force. Wanders the roads where it once lived.

These "civilised" bugs of Hallownest were weak in life and now they are equally weak in death. Send them back into the dirt they were born in!

12 Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (12)

Husk Hornhead

The remains of a bug, animated by a strange force. Uses its horn to attack any uninfected creature it finds.

These bugs have an arrogant air about them, even after dying. Overly proud of their long horns! I enjoy snapping them off.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (13)

Leaping Husk

The remains of a bug, animated by a strange force. It will instinctively leap at uninfected creatures to attack them.

The bugs of old Hallownest did not hunt their own food, they had it brought to them. That's why they were so weak. That's why their kingdom crumbled into dust and faded away!


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (14)

Husk Bully

The remains of a bug, animated by a strange force. It aggressively attacks any uninfected creature it finds.

A thick orange mist fills these walking corpses. It has a sweet, sickly taste to it. I find it foul. After you kill these creatures, I suggest you do not eat them.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (15)

Husk Warrior

The remains of a bug, animated by a strange force. Wields a nail and shell.

Softened by generations of luxury, these bugs lack claws or armour or venom. Those who wish to protect themselves are forced to fashion weapons from stone, ore or shell.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (16)

Husk Guard

The remains of a great Hallownest Crossguard, animated by a strange force. Instinct still drives it to guard its post against intruders.

Larger and stronger than their brothers, these bugs are still forced to steal their weapons from the remains of other creatures. They do not roam or hunt, forever standing guard and lashing out at anything that wanders near.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (17)

Entombed Husk

Mummified remains, deformed and enraged by infection.

Inside these shambling corpses is a bright light that pierces any darkness. I peered inside that light once and saw... something within it shining back. Something terrible.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (18)

False Knight

A maggot driven mad by a strange force. Inhabits a stolen armoured shell.

Weak creatures love to steal the strength of others. Their lives are brief and fearful, and they yearn to have the power to dominate those who have dominated them.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (19)


Weakest member of the kingdom of Hallownest. Generally looked down upon and forced to do menial labour.

Consisting mainly of sweet fat, these helpless creatures make excellent provisions for long journeys. Best roasted over open flame. If they try to bargain for their life, just ignore them. They have nothing to offer.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (20)


Member of an elusive guild of bugs fixated on the maintenance of Hallownest's many signs and wayposts.

The bugs of Hallownest were obsessed with building things. What strange little minds they had.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (21)


Small scuttling seed filled with Lifeblood, which can be extracted and consumed for its healthful properties.

The bright liquid inside of these little fellows is delicious, and drinking it will make you feel stronger. I wonder how my own innards taste... would it be a heinous thing to try and drink some?


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (22)


Rolls into a ball and propels itself at intruders who wander into its territory. Aggressive even when newly born.

Younger hunters delight in catching these creatures and rolling them around for sport. I encourage you to indulge yourself if the fancy strikes you.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (23)

Elder Baldur

Bulky and covered in thick plating. Retracts into itself when attacked.

As they age, these creatures become too heavy and lumpy to roll around freely. Instead, they curl up and hide from the world. What do they think of in there, wrapped up inside of themselves? More carefree times perhaps.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (24)


Weakling that covers itself in leaves to appear larger. Hides amongst the undergrowth.

I used to think these things were merely ambling plants. When I learned they were actually living creatures, I began to kill them on sight. This is the nature of the Hunt!


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (25)


Winged weakling that covers itself in leaves to appear larger. Hides amongst the undergrowth, fleeing if predators draw near.

They spend their whole lives hiding or fleeing. How sad. Or, perhaps that is the life they choose for themselves and they enjoy it? It's a strange thought, but not impossible.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (26)


Plant-like bug that charges at foes when close.

They can be hard to spot amongst the foliage until you get too close and they suddenly come charging at you. Tread carefully.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (27)

Volatile Mosskin

Plant-like bug swollen with infection. Releases deadly gas when threatened.

The gas that seeps from their growths smells invitingly sweet, but it will burn through shell and flesh if you get too close!


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (28)

Fool Eater

Carnivorous plant that snaps at any creature that comes close.

You really would have to be a fool to be tricked by a plant.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (29)


Charges at prey with its needle-like proboscis.

When they lunge at you, don't panic. Stand your ground, and strike back as they come close.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (30)


Fat, slow, flying bug. Frequently discharges the acidic liquid stored in its round body.

Does it realise what a nuisance it is? Drifting around, spilling its noxious juices everywhere it goes? If you see any, make sure to kill them.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (31)


Aggressive plant-life that retracts protectively when danger is near. Spits hard spikey balls when foes are at a distance.

Its leaves are dry and bland. The bud is unpleasantly sour, but oh! The venom in those balls it spits. Exquisite! If you have the time to spare, try drinking some and enjoy the effects.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (32)


Harmless flying creature that favours serene environments. Usually travels in flocks.

They all keep lookout for danger and when one flies away the rest do as well. I wonder how it feels to have the protection of a pack?


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (33)

Moss Charger

Timid creature that frightens away intruders by covering itself in huge clumps of moss.

It's small, but it finds a lot of courage and strength once it covers itself in foliage. And I can understand the desire to camouflage oneself...


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (34)

Massive Moss Charger

Family of creatures that have learnt to bulk up with moss and live as one.

There is strength in numbers, yes, but these creatures never had much strength to begin with. Cut through their trickery.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (35)

Moss Knight

Protector of the Greenpath, trained in the ways of the Nail and the Shell.

They hide as bush-like mounds and look soft, but beware these warriors! They are relentless in combat, fiercely guarding something hidden deep in the Greenpath.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (36)

Mossy Vagabond

Lazy, portly Mosskin. Easily swayed by others.

Slow, fat and easily vanquished; common threads in those who forget their calling and forsake their duties.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (37)


Simple walking creature encased in a hard shell. Often found wading in shallow pools of acidic water.

One of the few creatures that can survive in the rivers of harsh acidic water that flow around us. Where does this water come from? It bubbles and spits with a seething hatred of the living...


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (38)


Simple flying creature protected by a spikey shell.

Thinks itself fully protected and so is unconcerned by passers by. Attack its face, and teach it that nothing is ever safe.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (39)


Passive glider that prefers to dwell near acid waters.

What careless a life led drifting above us all. If one ever comes too close to the ground though...


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (40)

Charged Lumafly

When threatened they cluster together, generating electricity.

They usually drift about peacefully, but sometimes they cluster together and spit out a sharp, crackling flash that will stun and burn even large beasts like myself. Watch closely for an opening and move past them quickly.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (41)


Smallest Jelly form. Passive and unaware, but pulsing with a dangerous electric charge.

The spirit of a dead ancestor? The brain of a larger creature, allowed to drift free? An egg searching for a safe place to spawn? I have no idea what this is.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (42)


Passive outer being protecting an aggressive, explosive core.

Ghastly, eerie creature made out of a thick liquid. You can peer right through them, and can't see where they keep their thoughts. I don't trust them at all. Keep away.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (43)


Intelligent being that guards the inner chamber of the Teacher's Archives.

The canyon below us, the one thick with fog and crackling with strange energy... a Hunter can lose their senses down there. Be careful... strange and unnatural things lurk there.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (44)


Simple-minded crawling fungus. Its cap is covered in a layer of hardened spikes.

Lie on your belly, open your maw and let this tasty morsel stroll straight into your stomach.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (45)


Passive fungal balloon. Internal gasses cause it to float.

Just a child, it drifts about with closed eyes and an open mind. When I was young, my brothers and sisters and I would hunt each other in the nest. Now I hunt alone.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (46)


Fully grown fungal balloon. Spits built up internal gas at aggressors.

So round! I don't think I've seen a rounder creature than this. This world certainly hides some marvellous creatures. I must hunt them all down!


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (47)


Detects nearby movement and fires out explosive spores that drift towards their target.

If you're skillful, you can lead their spores back to them and watch them perish in a destruction of their own making. There is a lesson in that, I think.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (48)

Fungified Husk

The remains of a bug, consumed by a fungus. Frequently releases clouds of thick, deadly gas.

The bugs of Hallownest are so pathetic that being infected by poisonous fungi actually increases their chances of survival! They really are absurd creatures.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (49)


Young fungal creature. Spends most of its time in the ground but can uproot and flee if it senses danger.

Looks like an ordinary mushroom until you get close, then it pops out of the ground and starts scurrying around blindly. Very, very amusing.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (50)

Shrumal Warrior

Fungal creature that attacks intruders to protect its young.

Something queer in the air has caused these mushrooms to grow hearts, minds, and even faces! This means they now fear for their lives, like all other living creatures.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (51)

Shrumal Ogre

Huge fungal creature. Attacks by spitting corrosive venom and slamming its body into foes.

Are these hulking things beasts or are they mushrooms? I cut one in half and peered inside to find out, but could find no answers in its soft, stinking insides.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (52)

Mantis Youth

Member of a proud tribe, fiercely protective of its territory. Launches stinging attacks with its needle sharp abdomen.

As it grows, it loses the ability to fly. Passage into adulthood is often celebrated, but as time goes by we realise what we have lost.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (53)

Mantis Warrior

Member of a proud tribe, fiercely protective of its territory. Launches savage attacks with bladed forelimbs.

If you venture too deep into the fungal forests, these warriors will stand in your way. What is it they guard, deep at the bottom of their territory?


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (54)

Mantis Lords

Leaders of the Mantis tribe and its finest warriors. They bear thin nail-lances and attack with blinding speed.

The Mantis tribe and the bugs of old Hallownest had no love for each other. The Mantises outlived their rivals though, and their civilisation still stands.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (55)

Husk Sentry

Animated remains of a Hallownest Sentry. Still retains some memory of its former task.

More skilled at combat than most bugs of Hallownest, they are nimble but lightly armoured. Keep the pressure on them.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (56)

Heavy Sentry

Animated remains of a large Hallownest Sentry. One of few in Hallownest strong enough to wield a greatnail.

Surprisingly quick-witted for a corpse. It will try to catch you if you leap over it and can chase you if you flee. Enjoyable to hunt, but beware them in packs.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (57)

Winged Sentry

Flying sentry of Hallownest. Patrols the heights of the vast cavern in which the city was built.

Dances through the air just out of reach until it spots an opening, then swoops in for a decisive strike. If you're confident, wait for it to come to you then counter-attack.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (58)

Lance Sentry

Winged Sentry of Hallownest equipped with a nail-lance. Charges at threats or throws its lance from a distance.

This devious foe will often keep its distance and try to pick you off with its thrown weapons. When it charges at you, leap up and strike it down.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (59)


Once a highly intelligent bug, deformed by the misuse of soul.

These fools meddled with the soul of other creatures and lost their shape. Now they skulk through the shadows of their Sanctum like slugs, hoping their old brothers will build them new bodies.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (60)


Once a highly intelligent bug, inflated by the misuse of soul.

I've heard whispers that the secret these fools were searching for was immortality. To live forever... I've never heard of anything so obscene!


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (61)

Soul Twister

Highly intelligent bug that uses arcane knowledge to twist soul into vicious spells.

I have heard others talk about 'soul' but I do not understand what it actually is. I do know that freshly killed meat tastes best - is that because the 'soul' still clings to it?

62 Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (62)

Soul Warrior

Learned bug, wielding a refined pinblade. Enhances its combat prowess with harvested soul.

Where these strange warriors go, whispers follow them. Not only are they skilled with a nail, they can also use some strange power to shift suddenly from place to place. Stay on guard.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (63)

Soul Master

Head of the Soul Sanctum. Hoarded soul hoping to stave off Hallownest's affliction, but eventually became intoxicated by its power.

The bugs of Hallownest tried all kinds of tricks and rituals and prayers to rid themselves of the infection. But to no avail! Perhaps the infection came from somewhere deep inside of them that they could not escape.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (64)

Husk Dandy

Former member of Hallownest's high society. Limited offensive ability.

It seems the weakest, greediest members of Hallownest were also the one who exerted the most influence. Truly a Kingdom that was always destined for ruin.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (65)

Cowardly Husk

Former member of Hallownest's high society. Although made aggressive by the force inside, old instincts still occasionally compel it to run from danger.

The fearful, cowardly nature of these Hallownest bugs persists even after death! It almost feels shameful to chase and cut them down.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (66)

Gluttonous Husk

Former member of Hallownest's high society. Uses its corpulent body as a weapon.

As these bugs became wealthier they hunted less and consumed more, eventually taking on a grotesque shape not unlike over-ripe fruit.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (67)

Gorgeous Husk

Corpulent husk encrusted with a shining metal. Retains the instinct to hoard Geo.

There is beauty in many things. Reflections of light in water, the taste of freshly killed meat, the cry of a hatchling for its mother... I have never understood the lust for metals and stones though.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (68)

Great Husk Sentry

Animated remains of a Great Sentry, the most elite of the city's guards. Wields a greatnail and shell. Its powerful attacks cause heavy damage.

An extremely rare thing, a bug of Hallownest that actually poses a threat. Watch them carefully, as they can lash out quickly with devastating strikes.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (69)

Watcher Knight

Discarded shell of a Watcher Knight, re-animated by a swarm of infected flies.

When these silent warriors fall in battle, their bodies split open and strange bugs come flying out. I wonder, what will come flying out of me when I die? Will my hopes and fears drift away into the darkness?


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (70)

The Collector

Dark figure locked inside the Tower of Love. Preserves Hallownest's creatures in glass jars with particular attention given to Grubs.

A shadow that sometimes flits through the caverns, making strange noises to itself. I've never seen it clearly so I have no idea what type of creature it is.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (71)


Thin wings hide a highly volatile belly. Will give its own life to protect its territory.

An angry creature with no regard for its own life. A creature without fear... can it truly be called "prey"?


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (72)


Odd creature that adapts to changing situations by flipping over and using the limbs on the other side of its body.

Adaptability is an important survival skill. If a problem seems insurmountable, try approaching it from a different angle.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (73)


Tiny and placid but swells to enormous size when threatened.

Extremely amusing creature.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (74)


Placid but putrid creature. Holds rancid eggs within its gut.

Easily tracked down if you have a sense of smell. I strongly suggest you do not eat its eggs.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (75)

Dung Defender (Boss)

Skilled combatant living at the heart of the Waterways. Assails intruders with balls of compacted dung.

Fighting for 'honour', or for 'loyalty'... you may as well be fighting for dust. If you want to kill, do it for your own sake. That is the nature of a true Hunter.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (76)

White Defender

Figure from a fondly remembered past. Reacts gallantly to defeat by becoming stronger.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (77)


Youngest of its species. Its body is composed of teeth, wings and stomach.

Seems to want to latch onto any living thing that comes by with its sharp little teeth. It will leave its cousins alone though, so it isn't completely mindless.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (78)


Worm-like creature that prefers damp, dark habitats.

Dangerous, unpredictable foes that infest the pipes below Hallownest's capital. Even when it seems you've killed them, you need to stay on guard.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (79)


Aged fluke, grown fat on the rich refuse found in the pipes below the capital.

When predators are too successful the surplus food they eat becomes soft bulk wrapped around their bodies. Still, these creatures at least seem to make good use of their additional weight.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (80)


An insatiable breeder. Has populated the Waterways with its kind. Its insides double as a nest for young Flukefeys.

The desire to breed, to leave behind a memory of ourselves in the shape of a child... it seems to be etched deep into the heart of every living creature. I too have felt the pull of that base instinct.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (81)


Feeds on crystal dust and uses crystallised spines to protect itself from danger.

I don't find this creature particularly notable or interesting. It should learn to fly, or breathe flames, or sing hauntingly. Anything to justify its existence.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (82)


Slow, hardy creature. The crystals that grow on its back provide extra protection from foes above.

Large and well-protected, but slow and docile. The bugs of Hallownest used to force these creatures to carry around their carts and machines.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (83)

Crystal Hunter

Fires shards of fast-growing crystal at intruders.

Make their homes all the way up at the top of the world. Do they use the crystals willingly as weapons or are they merely hosts and the crystals parasites?


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (84)

Crystal Crawler

Discharges searing beams of light from the crystals on its back as it crawls around, seemingly unaware.

These creatures look weak, but sometimes burning pillars of heat will burst out from the crystals they carry on their backs. Be wary, and time your strikes well!


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (85)

Husk Miner

Remains of a bug drawn to the Crystal Peak for its precious crystal. Its claw-pick now doubles as a fierce weapon.

The bugs of Hallownest lusted after the strangest things in life. They would dig furtively through the dirt for stone, ore and in particular the crystals that grow at the top of the world.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (86)

Crystallised Husk

Remains of a bug who died amongst the crystals. Animated by a strange force, it attacks by firing beams of light from its crystallised arms.

There is some strange power hidden in the crystals that grow up there in the peaks. They gleam and glow in the darkness, a bright point of searing heat in each one. They sing too, if you listen. Very softly...


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (87)

Crystal Guardian

Heavyset miner of the Crystal Peak overcome by crystal growth. Can discharge blazing beams of light from its crystallised limbs.

How does the world look to this creature, gazing out from within its crystal prison? Does it see only light? Is that what drives it into a frenzy?


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (88)

Furious Vengefly

Vengefly whose body has been distorted by continued infection. Highly aggressive.

The infection that passes from creature to creature grants strength and courage, but it also seems to enslave the will. Would you make such a bargain?


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (89)

Volatile Gruzzer

Gruzzer swollen with infection and primed to burst.

Horrible goo and noxious gas has started leaking down from above. Is there a source of all this pestilence? If so, I haven't seen it.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (90)

Violent Husk

Maddened by massive infection. Charges at enemies with no thought for its own preservation.

The bugs of Hallownest were twisted out of shape by that ancient sickness. First they fell into deep slumber, then they awoke with broken minds, and then their bodies started to deform...


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (91)

Slobbering Husk

The body of a bug, completely consumed by infection. Spits corrosive liquid.

The infection that swept through Hallownest so long ago... they say that the harder you struggled against it, the more it consumed you


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (92)


Swarming predator of the Deepnest. Burrows through the ground and bursts out to surprise prey.

Springy and vicious, these hunters will try to overwhelm you with numbers in the dark, tight, twisting caverns they carve through the ground. Always be on your guard!


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (93)

Carver Hatcher

Flying creature that fires out dirtcarvers from its body when potential prey comes close.

Are these creatures the mothers of the dirtcarvers? They appear only loosely related. But then how do the dirtcarvers get inside of the hatchers? A confusing situation.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (94)


Giant burrower covered in thick shell plates. Tirelessly travels the tunnels of the Deepnest.

Monstrously strong, they shrug off any attacks you make on their thickly armoured bodies. Luckily, if you simply avoid their paths they'll leave you alone.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (95)

Corpse Creeper

Parasitic beast that controls the body of its host after the host's death.

The beasts of this land have found plenty of ingenious hiding places, but none so clever as the body of another creature! If you happen on such a beast, rejoice! You've hunted two creatures at once!


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (96)


Infant of the Deepnest. Scuttles about in the darkness, learning the layout of its home.

The Deepnest is a dangerous place to hunt, but rewarding. Keep an eye out for weaker creatures you can pick off and eat. Keep your strength up in the darkness.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (97)


Crawls along walls and roofs, spitting burning venom at anything that passes by.

They can be hard to spot as they flitter in and out of the darkness. Watch for their glowing eyes.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (98)

Little Weaver

Nimble spider that traverses its domain on thin strands of web. Often waits in ambush.

They can appear from the darkness at any moment! They seem to fly through the air, dancing on invisible strings as they silently stalk prey.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (99)

Stalking Devout

Worshippers of Herrah the Beast. Shield themselves with hard plated foreclaws, then lash out suddenly to cut down prey.

Powerful, well-armoured and fast, these are no mere beasts. Study their movements and watch carefully for an opening.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (100)


Mimics the shape of other creatures to lure prey to its lair.

In the deepest darkness, there are beasts who wear faces stolen from your memories and pluck at the strings in your heart. Know yourself, and stay strong.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (101)

Shadow Creeper

Found only in deep, dark places. Has never been observed to eat or drink anything.

This little creeper is weak and poses no threat, but something about it still unsettles me. The way it moves and the noises it make are... strange somehow.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (102)

Lesser Mawlek

Attacks by spitting acid and slashing with foreclaws.

If you try to keep your distance it will spit sticky, burning globs of vile stomach juice. Move in quickly and strike decisively.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (103)


Large, immobile creature. Wildly spits venom when intruders pass by.

How did this foolish creature lose its legs?! I suppose it's possible to lose anything, if you really try.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (104)

Brooding Mawlek

Ferocious but extremely social creature. Becomes aggressive if not able to mingle with its own kind.

I hear this beast crying out sometimes as I prowl the caverns, although I've never actually laid eyes on it. Who or what is it calling for? As far as I can tell, its voice is never answered.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (105)


A single-celled organism, completely infected. Scurries about simple-mindedly.

Strange air has been seeping down from above for years. Some of that air became liquid, and some of that liquid became flesh, and some of that flesh came to life. I don't know what to make of it.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (106)

Infected Balloon

Single cell of infection. Has a simple mind and can float using internal gasses.

The infection creeping through the Kingdom's dead veins... does it have a mind? Does it produce soul? Is it truly alive?


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (107)

Broken Vessel

Shattered corpse, reanimated by infected parasites.

The shape of this creature... I have seen something like it before. More than once, perhaps. It looks a little like the bugs of Hallownest, but not quite the same. Where did these empty little wanderers come from?


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (108)


Large, docile creature that peacefully buzzes around in the caverns of Kingdom's Edge.

Too slow to escape you and too large to hide from you. This prey will not challenge you, but sometimes it is good to take things easy.


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (109)

Primal Aspid

Wilder, ancestral form of the Aspid. Once thought extinct, they have reappeared at the edges of the world.

These cruel foes will ambush you and relentlessly attack with their searing venom. How strange that their descendants are so weak. If I have children, I hope they will be stronger than me...


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (110)


Leaps at prey and uses its sharp proboscis to drain vital fluids.

This hopping thief's belly is full of the blood it has stolen from other beasts. If you hold it above a fire, the belly will grow and grow until it explodes in a steaming shower of fluids.


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Great Hopper

Leaps around the edge of the world, trying to crush prey beneath its body.

A worthy foe, surprisingly nimble for its size. Either keep your distance, or try to dance between its hops and strike at its legs.


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Grub Mimic

Assumes the shape of a harmless creature to lure prey.

Luring an enemy close by pretending to be a weak little grub. Very cunning! Unfortunately for them, I eat these grubs as soon as I see them.


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Smallest of the Hive's inhabitants. Carries out simple tasks.

Weak, but hard-working and numerous. Their hairy little bodies are filled with a thick, sweet, golden liquid. Good to keep a few on you for long hunts.


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Hive Soldier

Defends the Hive against intruders with its extendable stinger.

Savage and dedicated warriors. Be prepared to fight them to the death if you plan on invading their home.


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Hive Guardian

Protects the Hive by hurling its huge body at intruders.

Like their smaller kin, their only instinct is to protect the Hive at any cost to themselves. Somewhat clumsy, they'll often damage the structure of the Hive when charging at intruders. Does this cause them shame? I do not know whether they have the capacity for such a thing.


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Husk Hive

Cowardly husk, its body colonised by hivelings.

Did the hivelings build their nest around this sorry bug, or did the bug squeeze its body into their nest? Either way, they seem happy enough together.


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Hive Knight

Loyal protector of the Hive's Queen. Flightless but ferocious in battle.

Some creatures are born with duties and loyalties marked indelibly upon their minds. They are strong, but they are also slaves.


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Spiny Husk

Overgrown with vegetation, it attacks by firing sharp spines from its body.

The spines they fire seem to be mildly poisonous. Don't use them to clean between your fangs after eating!


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Inhabits the wilds beside the Queen's Gardens. Not aggressive in nature, but its wild bouncing behaviour can be dangerous.

It seems like their energy is limitless! Do they ever stop to sleep, or eat, or love?


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Mantis Petra

Lurks amongst foliage and attacks by flinging wind-scythes from a distance.

They will harass you from afar, so get close and strike quickly. Their bodies are brittle and will easily fall to your nail.


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Mantis Traitor

Once a member of the Mantis tribe, now cast out and driven mad by infection.

Belonging to a tribe, or not belonging. I don't really understand what the difference is, or how it works. I have no tribe of my own.


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Traitor Lord

Deposed Lord of the Mantis tribe. Embraced the infection and turned against his sisters.

I have felt that desire. The desire to take the infection into myself. To become stronger, more powerful... these thoughts haunt my dreams during the darkest times. A false hope, but it can burn so brilliantly in one's mind.


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Sharp Baldur

Hardened baldur, bred for battle in the Colosseum of Fools. Tougher and more aggressive than its wild ancestor.

These creatures... I have never seen one fully grown. I suppose they aren't allowed to live long enough to become adults.


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Armoured Squit

Hardened squit, bred for battle in the Colosseum of Fools. Tougher and more aggressive than its wild ancestor.

Strong and quick! When they rear back, either move out of the way or prepare to strike back!


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Battle Obble

A Battle Obblewas raised in the Colosseum. Although trained for combat, its movements and attacks are still haphazard.

They have crafted a tiny mask for it! Is such an extravagance practical I wonder?


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Larger cousin of the Obble. Pairs with a mate for life and will never leave its side.

Having a mate by your side... one that will never leave you until death. Strange. No mate has ever come forth to stay by my side...

127 Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (127)

Shielded Fool

Warrior fighting for glory in the Colosseum of Fools. Warily approaches opponents with shield held high.

That 'Colosseum' is a strange place where some bugs fight each other to the death and others watch. I don't understand such obscure rituals. If you venture in, stay on guard at all times.


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Sturdy Fool

Warrior fighting for glory in the Colosseum of Fools. Uses crescent-shaped blades to cut down foes.

You can hit this warrior's spinning weapons out of the air, straight back into them! Useful if they manage to corner you.


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Winged Fool

Warrior fighting for glory in the Colosseum of Fools. Flies just out of an opponent's reach then darts in for the kill.

What do they hope for, these warriors fighting in the Colosseum? Are they slaves, or prisoners, or do they freely choose to fight?


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Heavy Fool

Warrior fighting for glory in the Colosseum of Fools. Aggressively charges down foes.

Large, bulky, and fighting for its life. Don't underestimate this fighter! It can slither around quickly despite its bulk. It also has a surprisingly beautiful face beneath its mask.


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Death Loodle

Loodle equipped with a helmet and taught to kill.

They seem fierce, but they have a lot of difficulty at aiming their target. Watch their motions and strike when the opportunity comes. Take their helmet with you as a trophy.


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Volt Twister

Learned bug that adapted the teachings of the Soul Sanctum into a deadly fighting art. Attacks with bursts of electricity.

Supposedly lives on a diet of lumaflies and spends its entire life fighting in the arena or meditating in seclusion. An odd foe.


God Tamer

Veteran warrior of the Colosseum of Fools. Fights by the side of creatures it has trained.

Some hunters train beasts to join them in chasing down prey. I tried it once, but couldn't resist the urge to test my companion's strength against mine.


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Pale Lurker

Forgotten champion of the Colosseum, drawn away by strange obsessions.

This odd creature is unaffected by and unaware of the disease drifting through the caverns. Its madness is all its own.


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Zote the Mighty (Boss)

A self-proclaimed Knight, of no renown. Wields a nail he carved from shellwood, named 'Life Ender.'

Some rare creatures are so weak, so helpless, so inept and so irritating that hunting them gives no pleasure.


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Grey Prince Zote

Figment of an obsessed mind. Lacks grace but becomes stronger with every defeat.

"My love, any creature who could bear to be away from you, who would willingly leave you behind or say unkind things to you... Pah! Lowly maggots, not worthy of standing in your glorious shadow!"

She felt her cold body grow warm, a sensation she had almost forgotten...- 'The Grey Prince' Chapter 112


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Winged Zoteling

Figment of an obsessed mind. Grudgingly assists its master in combat by lazily flying towards foes.

She asked whether he had bought the Charm for her as he promised he would, but then he explained. The Charm was actually of low quality and not worth the price asked. She understood the wisdom of his decision perfectly.

–'The Grey Prince' Chapter 136


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Hopping Zoteling

Figment of an obsessed mind. Jumps about in a nonthreatening manner.

"That lowly map-maker's wife? Hah! My Queen, how could you compare yourself to her? In the face of your intoxicating beauty, all other females are merely dust!"
The Grey Prince trembled with anger and indignation... and love.

–'The Grey Prince' Chapter 178


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Volatile Zoteling

Figment of an obsessed mind. Deals poorly with the pressure of existing and quickly explodes.

The Grey Prince was a wanderer by nature, but she could not bear to be separated from him. So she devised a plan to make sure that she and her prince would be together always. She only had to wait for her chance.

–'The Grey Prince' Chapter 205


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Lingering dream of a fallen warrior. Executed for crimes against the King.

A life defined by tragedy and triumph. A death marred by sorrow and regret. A spirit burdened by sins and memories. Better to wander the world than be cursed with glory. - Xero


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (141)


Lingering dream of a fallen warrior. A mysterious life-form that claimed to contain all of the world's knowledge inside of its distended brain.

I am Gorb! - Gorb


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Elder Hu

Lingering dream of a fallen warrior. Travelled the world tending to those affected by the plague.

Never forget what once was lost, yet do not let it tie you down. - Elder Hu


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Lingering dream of a fallen warrior. Protector of the Queen's Gardens.

If you believe in something as hard as you can, with your eyes shut tight... eventually it will come true! - Marmu


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No Eyes

Lingering dream of a fallen warrior. Disappeared during the plague.

They're coming...What's inside of you...Strip it out! - No Eyes


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Lingering dream of a fallen warrior. Trained in the wilds bordering the kingdom, hoping to become a Knight.

A Knight strives not only to protect the land and its people, but the hopes and dreams of the kingdom. - Galien


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Lingering dream of a fallen warrior. Only member of his forgotten tribe to take up a weapon.

May your efforts lead you somewhere worthy. - Markoth


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Grimmkin Novice

Young and playful member of the Grimm Troupe. As part of the Ritual, it gathers scarlet flame within its torch. It will relinquish the flame once defeated.

"Shadows dream of endless fire,
Flames devour and embers swoop,
One will light the Nightmare Lantern,
Call and serve in Grimm's dread Troupe."

–'The Grimm Troupe'


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (148)

Grimmkin Master

Powerful and devoted member of the Grimm Troupe. As part of the Ritual, it gathers scarlet flame within its torch. It will relinquish the flame once defeated.

"A spark of red lights darkest dream,
Scarlet nightmares bright and wild,
Visions dance and flames do speak,
Burn the father, feed the child."

–'The Grimm Troupe'


Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (149)


Terrifying member of the Grimm Troupe. As part of the Ritual, it gathers scarlet flame within its torch. It will relinquish the flame once defeated.

"Dance and die and live forever,
Silent voices shout and sing,
Stand before the Troupe's dark heart,
Burn away the Nightmare King."

–'The Grimm Troupe'


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Troupe Master Grimm (Boss)

Master of the Grimm Troupe.

Through dream I travel, at lantern's call.To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall- Grimm


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Nightmare King Grimm

Twisted spectre of scarlet flame.

"The expanse of dream in past was split,
One realm now must stay apart,
Darkest Reaches, beating red,
Terror of sleep. The Nightmare's Heart."
- Seer


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Brothers Oro and Mato

Brothers of the nail, trained in combat by the Great Nailsage.

"Gods by toil and nail bound,Brothers sworn to guard the weak,Masters of the sacred ground,Help Us find the God We seek!"- Prayer to the Masters


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Paintmaster Sheo

Skilled and respected master of the nail. Always eager to learn new things.

"O God inspired, master of arts,Whose works shall eternal endure,Peer beyond Our minds and hearts,Reveal to Us the God most pure!"- Prayer to the Artist


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Great Nailsage Sly

Legendary sage of the nail arts and, recently, merchant of some success.

"Sagely God of the cunning and bold,Sharpen Our nails and show Us the odds,O greatest of masters, We wish to behold,That one still greater, the God of Gods!"- Prayer to the Sage


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A fly-like construct formed of white shell and a dark liquid interior.

The bugs of Hallownest believed that their King created this world and everything in it. For what purpose, I wonder? Were his subjects companions, or toys, or children? Such a mind seems unknowable.


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Royal Retainer

The most loyal and devout servants of the King.

Simple, weak creatures find strength by forming a hive and obeying a ruler. Such creatures become the arms and teeth and claws of their monarch.


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Guard construct of Hallownest's Palace and skilled wielder of the curved claw-blade. Its heavy white armour protects a fragile body.

They say the old King died long ago, but his influence echoes around us still. A creature like that... what did he desire?


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Fragment of a lingering will.

Far down below us, beneath the kingdom, the air grows stiller and a sense of emptiness pervades. Can life flourish down there? If so, I will hunt it.


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Void Tendrils

Fragments of void taking the shape of sharp, thrashing tendrils.

The bugs of Hallownest sometimes wondered whether there were other, older, stranger Kingdoms deep below them. What strange fancies they had. That's probably why they were always so distracted and easy to kill.


Hornet (Boss)

Skilled protector of Hallownest's ruins. Wields a needle and thread.

I have seen this nimble little creature. I thought her prey and pounced at her, but with a flash she stabbed me with her flying stinger and darted away. Could she be... a Hunter?


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Hollow Knight

Fully grown Vessel, carrying the plague's heart within its body.

The old King of Hallownest... he must have been desperate to save his crumbling little world. The sacrifices he imposed on others... all for nothing.


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Pure Vessel

Chosen vessel, raised and trained to prime form.

"Deepest silence in holy shell,
Given nail and named a Knight,
Bound by chain and egg and spell,
Hear Our plea! Reveal thy Light!"

–Prayer to the Vessel


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The Radiance

The light, forgotten.

The plague, the infection, the madness that haunts the corpses of Hallownest... the light that screams out from the eyes of this dead Kingdom. What is the source? I suppose mere mortals like myself will never understand.


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Echo of a previous life. Defeat it to retake its power and become whole.

Each of us leaves an imprint of something when we die. A stain on the world. I don't know how much longer this kingdom can bear the weight of so many past lives...


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The mark of a true Hunter.

I have no offspring, nor subjects, nor worshippers. The sum of my being, my learning, my instincts... I leave it all to you. Good luck, Hunter.


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Seal of Binding

Intricate seal of ancient design.

Used to contain a powerful force, or to preserve something of great importance.


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Void Idol

Rare artifact from a time before Hallownest, its spires twined in a unified form. Contains a large amount of liquid from the Abyss, perfectly still.

"Inspired or mad, those ancient bugs. They devoted their worship to no lord, or power, or strength, but to the very darkness itself."



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Weathered Mask

Strange mask from a godless land, passed down over time. The design suggests the wearer's thoughts were focused through the crest.

"Gods of Thunder, Gods of Rain! Why forsake thy servants? Will Our minds be left suffering, to ache alone? What God remains to deliver Us from this woeful silence?"

–Lament of the Godseekers

Enemies | Hollow Knight Wiki (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.