Obituaries – 1/13/05 (2025)

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Buck Hayden, Oceanside practical artist, passesaway


Staff Writer

OCEANSIDE —— Buck Hayden knew a thing or two about precastconcrete and commercial fishing, but his real love was art.

“He had an engineer’s brain and he had an artist’s brain. Iguess he was quite a paradox,” said Sharla Hayden, Buck Hayden’swife for 16 years.

Buck Hayden died Monday at age 60.

Hayden grew up plying the family trade, fishing Alaska’s CookInlet near Anchorage where he was born. In 1946, when Hayden wasonly two years old, he rode with his family south to Washingtonstate via the newly built Alaska Highway.

“They were the first civilian family to drive the AlaskaHighway,” Sharla Hayden said.

Throughout his childhood, Buck spent his summers fishing withhis father in Alaska and his winters in the states, settling in adifferent city every year.

“He had gone to 17 different schools by the time he graduatedfrom high school,” Sharla recalled.

Years later, he came south for good, earning a master’s degreein fine arts from the University of Oregon in Eugene. Eventually,he came even further south, settling in Oceanside because it wasclose to the ocean and between Los Angeles and San Diego.

He worked for the last 36 years at a precast concrete plant inPerris just outside Riverside and commuted between Oceanside andthe small town every day.

Though his days were consumed by work, his nights and weekendswere spent creating mixed-media art in a workshop at the Haydenhome.

Though he loved art, Sharla Hayden said her husband was no fussyartiste.

“If you met him on the street you would think he was a fishermanfrom Alaska,” she said. “He had a look about him that was a littleintimidating. Most people didn’t get to see his artistic side.”

In addition to his love of art, Hayden was a recoveringalcoholic who passionately supported others in the community whohad traveled the same road.

When he was only 38, Buck Hayden suffered his first heart attackand battled health problems for the rest of his life. Though he didhave a soft spot for art, Sharla Hayden said her husband was notexactly a socialite.

“He was sturdy and quiet,” she said. “He always said that he wasas social as a wolverine with a toothache.”

Buck Hayden was just about ready to retire when he passed away.His wife said he was looking forward to a long retirement in hiswork shop.

“He had just bought three saws because he thought they were agood deal,” she said. “He was just a practical guy.”

Contact staff writer Paul Sisson at (760) 901-4087

Patricia Benjamin, 74

SAN DIEGO —— Patricia Anne Benjamin, 74, died Saturday, Jan. 8,2005, at home of kidney disease.

Born Nov. 11, 1930, in Pittsburgh, Penn., she lived in San Diegofor 55 years. She retired as a legal secretary in 1994.

Mrs. Benjamin was preceded in death by son, Sean Connelly, in1994.

She is survived by her husband, Edward E Benjamin of San Diego;sons and daughters-in-law Mike and Jill Michon and Mike and TammyThornton, all of San Diego; daughters and son-in-law Pam Michon ofDenver, Colo., and Lisa and Chuck Colleton of Murrieta; brother andsister-in-law, Don and Lavonne Walters of Santa Ana; andgrandchildren Michon, Maya, Ashlee, Katie, Charlie, Lindsey andCorey.

A memorial is scheduled at 1 p.m. Friday, Jan. 14, at St.Catherine Laboure Church, 4124 Mt. Abraham Avenue, San Diego, CA92111, with the Rev. Jay officiating. A private cremation isplanned.

The family suggests memorial donations in lieu of flowers tohelp defray medical expenses.

Accu-Care Cremation Center is handling arrangements.

Alida Smith, 84

SUN CITY —— Alida May Smith, 84, died Sunday, Jan. 9, 2005, atMenifee Valley Medical Center.

Born May 13, 1920, she and her husband ran a 7-Eleven store inVista for 10 years. She was a member of the Church of Jesus Christof Latter-day Saints in Sun City.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Charles and MyraAvery; and daughter, Ann Smith.

She is survived by her husband of 63 years, William FosterSmith; daughter, Linda Rucker of Murrieta; sons Patrick Smith ofDearborn, Mich., and Michael Smith of Garden Grove; fivegrandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; and onegreat-great-grandson.

The family will receive friends at 9 a.m. today at Miller-JonesMortuary & Crematory in Sun City, followed by a funeral serviceat 10 a.m. Interment will be at Perris Valley Cemetery inPerris.

Miller Jones is handling arrangements.

Robert W. Sarnie, 67

POWAY —— Capt. Robert W. Sarnie, 67, died Sunday, Jan. 9, 2005,in Poway.

Born Oct. 31, 1937, in Boston, he lived in Poway for 25 years.He graduated in 1959 from the Maritime Academy. He was commissionedin U.S. Navy flight training and received his wings in May 1961. Heflew helicopters in the East Coast Squadron from 1961 to 1964.

Capt. Sarnie was preceded in death by his brother, FrancisSarnie. He is survived by his wife of 39 years, Carolyn Sarnie ofPoway; sons and daughters-in-law Steve and Rhonda Ward of Puyallup,Wash., James and Donna Ward of Simi Valley, and Robert W. SarnieJr. of Belize, Central America; brother, John Sarnie of RanchoBernardo; sisters and brothers-in-law Clair and Robert Cyr ofTierra Santa and Betty and Bill Sbuttoni of Tampa, Fla.; and ninegrandchildren.

A memorial service is scheduled for 11 a.m. today, Jan. 13, atPoway-Bernardo Mortuary in Poway. Burial will be at 10 a.m. Monday,Jan. 24, at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego.

Poway-Bernardo Mortuary is handling arrangements.

Kaare Asper, Jr., 79

OCEANSIDE —— Kaare Asper, Jr. 79, died Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2004 inPalm Desert.

Born Jan. 16, 1925, in Elwood City, Penn., he resided inOceanside from 1985 through 1999. He served in the Army Air Corpsduring WWII. He was an upper division mathematics teacher at TempleCity High School in Temple City and Principal in the Duarte UnifiedSchool District until his retirement in 1984. He was a Reservistwith the 452 Troop Carrier Wing at March AFB until 1968. He enjoyedflying, water skiing, football, riding motorcycles and traveling inhis RV.

Mrs. Asper is survived by his wife of 60 years, Maryann Asper ofPalm Desert; daughters Kaaren (Richard) Heffner of Austin, Tex.;Debbie (Edward) St. John of Grass Valley; and Lani (Douglas) Woodsof Vista; brothers Bruce E. (Sandy) Asper of Newport Beach andRichard A. (Carol) Asper of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.; sister JoanMaynard of Henderson, Nev; grandchildren James, Shannon Jolene,Brian Andrea, and Tataina; and four great-grandchildren.

There will be a memorial service at 2 p.m. Jan. 16 at All SaintsEpiscopal Church in Vista.

Palm Desert Mortuary is handling arrangements.

Thomas Struber, 63

OCEANSIDE —— Thomas Frank Struber, 63, died Thus., Jan. 1, 2005,at Tri-City Medical Center from complications of strokes andcancer.

Born May 24, 1941, in Elizabeth, N. J, he lived in the NorthCoast area for over 20 years. He was a mechanic and the owner andoperator of service stations and body shops in New Jersey andOregon.

Mr. Struber was preceded in death by his brother John “Jack”Strubel of Klamath Falls, Ore. He is survived by his brother BobStrubel of Vista; daughters Barbara Strubel of Franklin Township,N, J., Christine Nathanson of Scotch Planes N. J.; and niece andnephew Rachel and David Doll of Vista; and four grandchildren.

Services will be held in New Jersey.

Donations may be made to Tri-City Hospice, 4002 Vista Way,Oceanside, 92054, in the name of Thomas F. Strubel.

Accu-Care Cremation Center is handling arrangements.

Francis Salatti, Jr., 73

OCEANSIDE —— Francis “Frank” Nicholas Salatti, Jr., 73, diedMonday, Jan. 3, 2005 in Chula Vista.

Born Feb. 20, 1931 in Brooklyn, N. Y. he was a resident of ChulaVista for two years. He worked for the North County TransitDistrict until his retirement in 1996.

Mr. Salatti was preceded in death by his twin bother JosephSalatti in August of 2004. He is survived by his wife of 55 years,Corinne Robillard of Oceanside; stepson Wesley Robillard ofOceanside; sons Paul Salatti of Mission Viejo and Steven Salatti ofPayson, Ariz., son-in-law Darryl Saunders of Mission Viejo;brothers and sister-in-law Tony and Rose Salatti of Port Jarvis, N.Y, and Robert and Cathy Salatti of Hicksville, N. Y.; sister andbrother-in-law Elizabeth and Al Forlani of Vero Beach, Fl.

No services are planned.

Eternal Hills Mortuary is handling arrangements.

Noah Praytor, Jr., 80

FALLBROOK —- Noah B. Praytor, Jr., 80, died Thursday, Jan,. 6,2005, at the Naval Hospital, Camp Pendleton.

Born July 1,, 1924 in Waco, Texas, he was a resident ofFallbrook for 47 years. He served in WWII and Korea in the U. S.Marine Corps. He retired in 1968 as a Gunnery Sergeant after 26years in the U. S. Marine Corps. He was a member of the Chosin Few,VFW Post 1924, Fallbrook; American Legion Post 776, Fallbrook; ;andSt. John’s Episcopal Church,, Fallbrook. He was also a member ofthe San Diego County Sheriff’s Senior Volunteer Patrol.

Mr. Praytor was preceded in death by his wife Anna Praytor in1996. He is survived by his son and daughter-in-law Robert andNancy Praytor of Wildomar; sister Iona Adamson of Bellingham,Wash.; and grandsons Noah Praytor of Murrieta and Nicholas Praytorof Fallbrook.

There will be a viewing from 9 to 11 a.m. Jan. 18, at Berry-Bell& Hall Fallbrook Mortuary. A funeral service will follow at 11a.m. Burial with military honors will be at 2 p.m. at RiversideNational Cemetery, Riverside.

Memorial donations are suggested to the Navy/Marine Corps ReliefSociety, P. O. Box 55006, Camp Pendleton, CA 92055-5006 ( Inured Marine Semper Fi Fund, 825 College Blvd., Ste. 102, PMB609, Oceanside, CA 92057.

Berry-Bell & Hall Fallbrook Mortuary is handlingarrangements.

Wilma Stokes, 92

SAN MARCOS —— Wilma Frances Stokes, 92, died Wednesday, Jan. 5,2005 in Oceanside.

Born Oct. 1, 1912 in Orleans Parish, La. she was a resident ofSan Marcos for over 80 years. She retired from Lockheed where sheworked in administration. She studied music and received a degreein music. She was a member of the Organist Club and loved to playBridge.

No services are planned.

Allen Brothers Mortuary Vista Chapel is handlingarrangements.

Kathleen Stewart, 51

ESCONDIDO —— Kathleen Chrystal Stewart, 51, died Thursday, Jan.6, 2005.

Born June 16, 1953, in San Diego, she lived in Escondido for 14years.

Mrs. Stewart is survived by her husband of 14 years, David E.Stewart of Escondido; son and daughter-in-law Nicolas and AngelinaMorris of Bluefield, W.Va.; daughters Angela Wiedenhoft ofBluefield, W.Va., and Karen Powell of Falls Mills, Va.; brotherSteve Morris of Montana and one grandchild Chris.

A graveside service is planned at 2 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 13, atOak Hill Memorial Park with the Rev. John Campbell officiating.

Alhiser-Comer Mortuary is handling arrangements.

Fania Tavai, 66

ESCONDIDO —— Fania Kaleopa Tavai, 66, died Friday, Jan. 7, 2005,at his home of natural causes.

Born March 10, 1938, at Utulei, American Samoa, he lived inEscondido for 10 years. He retired from Westinghouse in 1979.

Mr. Tavai is survived by one grandson Fania Tavai III.

He is survived by his wife of 41 years, Siutu F. Tavai ofEscondido; sons and daughters-in-law Fania Jr. and Faau Tavai of LaPuente, Ezra Orega-Canto of Boston, Mass., White Tavai and JenniferHile of Escondido; daughters and son-in-law Marilyn Tavai ofLeimert, Katherine Tavai of Long Beach and Lily of the Valley andJoseph Steffen of Escondido and grandchildren Deseret, Deborah,Danielle, Destiny, Jonathan, Kiahna, Josh, Christopher, andHarris.

A viewing is scheduled from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 16 atEternal Hills Mortuary. A funeral is planned at 10 a.m. at EternalHills Mortuary with the Rev. Laautuvanu Tupolo officiating. Burialwill follow at Eternal Hills Memorial Park.

Eternal Hills Mortuary is handling arrangements

Walter Hettich, 88

ESCONDIDO —— Walter Conrad Hettich, 88, died Friday, Jan. 7,2005.

Born April 17, 1916, in Dolton, Ill., he lived In Escondido, hewas a carpenter for 35 years and a member of the Carpenter’sUnion.

Mr. Hettich was preceded in death by his wife, Lois A. Hettich,in 1991.

He is survived by his son Tim Hettich of Escondido.

No service will be held at the request of the deceased.

A private cremation and inurnment is planned at Oak HillMemorial park.

McLeod Mortuary is handling arrangements.

Carmen Navarro, 80

SAN MARCOS —— Carmen Tafoya Navarro, 80, died Sunday, Jan. 9,2005, at his home.

Born May 16, 1924, he lived in San Marcos for two years,Escondido for two years and prior to that lived in Oceanside for 56years. He had been a farm laborer for 40 years and worked forPacific View Farms.

Mr. Navarro is survived by his wife of 57 years, MagdalenaNavarro of San Marcos; sons Hector Navarro of San Marcos, LuisNavarro and Raul Navarro, both of Oceanside; daughter Olga Navarroof Bonita; brothers Ramon Navarro and Abel Navarro, both of Mexico;sisters Amelia Navarro and Ana Navarro, both of Mexico; 13grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

A visitation is scheduled from 4 to 7 p.m. Friday, Jan. 14, atAllen Bros. Mortuary, San Marcos Chapel. Graveside services areplanned at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 15, at Eternal Hills MemorialPark in Oceanside. Entombment will follow.

Allen Bros. Mortuary, San Marcos Chapel, is handlingarrangements.

Edward Sansone, 73

ESCONDIDO —— Edward Louis Sansone, 73, died Tuesday, Jan. 11,2005, at his home.

Born Jan. 11, 1932, in Yonkers, N.Y., he lived in Escondido forthree years and was chief of security for Photogenics.

Mr. Sansone is survived by his sons Kenneth Sansone of RanchoBernardo and Edward Louis Sansone, Jr. of Moodus, Conn.; daughterGloria Kowalski of Rancho Bernardo; sister Teresa Silvestro ofYonkers, N.Y.; grandchildren Tyler, Taylor, Ryan and KennethJr.

A Mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Monday, Jan. 17, at SanRafael Catholic Church in Rancho Bernardo.

Alhiser-Comer Mortuary is handling arrangements.

Don Blanche 92

SOLANA BEACH —— Don M. Blanche, 92, died Tuesday, Dec. 21,2004.

Born Oct. 12, 1912, in Denmark Township, Ohio, he lived inSolano Beach and Paradise Valley, Ariz. He attended the Universityof Michigan School of Engineering, He obtained a business degreefrom Spencerian College in Cleveland Ohio; worked for LubrizolCorps. He attended Fenn College. He became the General DistributionManager for Lubrizol Corporation. He was a world traveler and agreat humanitarian. He was known for his wit and humor.

Mr. Blanche was preceded in death by his wife of 52 years, MaryLorraine Sheridan in 1990, and daughter Linda Jean Mondello in2001.

He is survived by his wife of nine years, Thelma, and sons anddaughters-in-law Thomas, James and Patricia and William and Donna;six grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

MemorIal services are planned at 1 p.m., Jan. 15 at La Vida, 850Del Mar Downs, Solana Beach.

El Camino Mortuary, Encinitas Chapel is handlingarrangements.

Georgina Herman, 82

CARLSBAD —— Georgine R. Herman, 82, died Thursday, Dec. 30,2004, at Brighton Gardens in Carlsbad of natural causes.

Born Sept. 12, 1923, in Saskatchewan, Canada, she lived inCarlsbad 21 years. She was a housewife and antique expert and was amember of AFTRA, den mother for Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts. She wasthe president of Manhattan Beach School District PTA.

Mrs. Herman was preceded in death by her husband, Frank J.Herman, in 2000 and son Vincent Herman in 2000.

She is survived by sons Wes Herman of Goleta, Bruce Herman ofCabo San Lucus, Mexico, and Gregory Herman of Carlsbad; brother andsister-in-law Wes and Joan McCool of Kelowna, BC, Canada;grandchildren Chiara, Jerome, Cole, Riley, Andy, Amy and Matt andtwo great-grandchildren.

A Life Celebration is planned from 11 am. to 2 p.m. Saturday,Jan. 25, at Carlsbad Senior Center, 799 Pine Avenue.

Eternal Hills Mortuary, Oceanside is handling thearrangements.

Buck Hayden, 60

OCEANSIDE —— Buck Hayden, 60, died Monday, Jan 10, 2005.

Born Dec. 27, 1944, in Anchorage, Alaska, he was a resident ofOceanside for 16 years. At the time of his death he was a plantmanager for Soil Retention Products. He was raised in commercialfishing in Cook Inlet, Alaska, worked in the pre-cast concreteindustry for over 36 years. He was a recovering alcoholic and wasvery dedicated to carrying the message. He enjoyed art, food andtravel.

Mr. Hayden was preceded in death by his parents, George andCharlotte Hayden . He is survived by his wife, Sharla Hayden, ofOceanside; son Cade Hayden of Plano, Texas; daughters andsons-in-law Jodie and Antonio Escot of Wanilla, Ark., Amber andShawn Green of San Diego, and Keri and Vaughn Heberlee of Sarasota,Fla.; daughter Shelley Hobbs of Kennewick, Wash.; and sister SharonWells.

There will be a visitation from 9 to 11 a.m. Friday, Jan. 14,2005, at Oceanside Mortuary, 602 S. Coast Highway, Oceanside. Afuneral service will follow at 11 a.m. at Oceanside Mortuary.

The family suggests memorial donations to Hospice of the NorthCoast, 5441 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, CA 92009.

Oceanside Mortuary is handling arrangements.

Robert Williams, 88

OCEANSIDE —— Robert O. Williams, 88, died Saturday, Jan. 8,2005, at an adult care home in Grants Pass, Oregon.

Born July 12, 1916, in Holtville, he lived in Oceanside for 25years prior to moving to Grants Pass one and a half years ago. Heserved in the U.S. Army from 1941 during World War II. He thenserved in the Signal Corps. He was a Mason for 51 years. He enjoyedfishing and gardening.

Mr. Williams was preceded in death by his first wife, AmyLestley Williams, in 1961, and his second wife Diane Williams. Heis survived by his daughter, Lestley Easton of Grants Pass; ;sonRobert O. Williams of Portland, Ore.; three grandchildren andseveral great-grandchildren.

No services are planned. Remembrances may be made to LovejoyHospice, 939 SE 8th Street, Grants Pass, OR 97526.

Southern Oregon Cremation Services is handling arrangements.


Wanda Lewycky, 90

Wanda Lewycky passed away peacefully at Tri-City Hospital onFriday, Jan. 7, 2005, with her family at her side.

Wanda was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., on Nov. 15, 1914. She moved toOceanside in 1996 an was joined by her sister and brother-in-lawRegina and George Sito, also of Brooklyn, N.Y. She worked manyyears in retail sales and retired from Bullock & Jones SanFrancisco. She loved to dance, listen to music, spend time withfamily, and make pirogis with her daughter Victoria.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Victor Lewycky, aMerchant Marine, Master Chef and linguist in Jan. 1987, and brotherRaymond Sarama who died serving his country in 1942.

She is survived by son Richard Lewycky of Walnut Creek, Calif.,and daughter Victoria Bierbower (and Marc) of Oceanside.

She has five grandchildren, Nicole and Kocky Lewycky, Traci,Lisa and Laura Rawnsley and great-grandchild Kailani Rose Molloy.She is also survived by her four sisters, Jan Panico of Palm Beach,Fla., Regino Sito (and George) of Oceanside, Julia Diffin ofParlin, N.J., and Stephanie Bekman of Bayshore, N.Y.

Wanda was a member of the Polish-American Club and loved dance,music and the polka. We will miss her gregarious, contagious andfun-loving nature. God bless Wanda.

Her family requests all of Wanda’s friends to join them in aCelebration of her Life at 1 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 15, 2005, at VistaChristian Fellowship, 820 Williamston St., Vista. The Rev. RogerFriend will officiate.

Josephine Snelling, 85

Josephine Snelling, 85, passed away Jan. 8, 2005, in Silverton,Ore., where she had been living for the past 10 years. Josephinewas born in St. Joseph, Mo., on May 10, 1919. She and her parents,William J. and Annie Hudspeth, later moved to Alabama, Nebraska andSouthern California.

After graduating from both Excelsior High School and beautyschool in Norwalk, Calif., she moved to Escondido where she met andmarried Carl Leroy Snelling. For most of their married life thelived in Escondido, where Josephine was involved in Girl Scouts,4-H, PTA, Hospital Auxiliary, Band Parent Clubs, Palomar Gem &Mineral and United Methodist Women.

Carl and Josephine celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary inNovember 1989 with friends and family at a party hosted by theirchildren. Carl preceded Josephine in death in 1990. She is survivedby daughters Barbara and Janet; son Carl Jr. (“Le”); son-in-law,Bill Gober and daughter-in-law Ann Snelling; sisters-in-law, GraceHickey and Jennie Snelling; grandchildren Mark, Lorena, Brandon,Leeann, Kara, Doug and David; six great-grandchildren; and cousinGrace Hudspeth.

A memorial service will be held at the First United MethodistChurch in Escondido at 1 p.m. Jan. 17. Private burial service to beheld at Oak Hill Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family suggestsdonations be made to: First United Methodist Church in Escondidoand ALS Society.

The family gratefully acknowledges the Silverton Hospital staffalong with caregivers and friends for the attention, care, prayersand love given to Josephine.

Jean Warrick, 75

Jean Moore Warrick died at her home in Carlsbad, Calif., on Dec.14. She was 75. Jean was buried at a graveside service in a familyplot in Arlington Cemetery, Drexel Hill, Pa., on Dec. 17.

Jean was a gracious woman who found success in every aspect ofher life, especially in her capacity for warm and enduringfriendships. From high school in Upper Darby, Pa. (a suburb ofPhiladelphia), through graduation from Drexel University, she wasalways at the top of her class. Later, after almost 20 years as asecretary, most of which was at the very high executive levels, shebecame manager of Equal Opportunity at Atlantic Richfield Company.At that time it was the highest position ever held by a woman atARCO, traditionally a male-dominated company. She also held otherhigh-level positions at ARCO, later exceeded by younger women whofollowed.

Jean was a volunteer from her youth until her death. Not onlydid she give time and energy, she supported her interestsfinancially especially as her means to do so increased. Early in1980, Jean found the most important volunteer cause of her life ——Retirement Housing Foundation (RIF), where she served for 25 years,21 years on the parent organization Board of Directors. From 1994through 1999 she was Board Chairperson. Jean will be remembered atRHF through the Jean Moore Warrick Endowment Fund for ResidentBenevolence. In 1996, Jean was instrumental in founding theResident Benevolence Fund. If you wish to make a memorial gift, itshould be made payable to “RHF Foundation, Inc.” and sent toRetirement Housing Foundation, Attn: Fund Development, 911 N.Studebaker Road, Long Beach, CA 90815 or call (562) 257-5141.

A memorial service will be held for family and friends at FirstPresbyterian Church of Oceanside, 2001 S. El Camino Real,Oceanside, Calif., at 11 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 14.

Charles Small, 87

OCEANSIDE —— Charles “Norris” Small, 87, died Sunday, Jan. 2,2005.

Norris was born in Tropic (better known as Glendale) Calif., onSept. 3, 1917, the fifth son of Will Farnham and Alice Dinsmore.Norris served in the U.S. Army from 1941 to 1945 where he obtainedthe rank of master sergeant. He married the late Bettie L. Flynn in1946 and they lived in La Crescenta for five years when they movedto Van Nuys with their three children. Norris and Bettie moved toOceanside in 1979. Norris became active with Al Bahr Shrine andenjoyed many activities with this group.

He was preceded in death by his wife Bettie Small; father WillFarnham Small; mother Alice Dinsmore Small; and brothers BenjaminDinsmore Small, Merrill Farnham Small, Bryant Thomas Small andKenneth Dwight Small. He is survived by son Andrew D. Deboratt ofSacramento; son and daughter-in-law James P. Small and Jan Burns ofCanyon Country; daughter and son-in-law Linda and Michael Suprenantof North Hollywood; grandchildren Kerstin (Michael) Dubron ofSaugus, Kerry Jon (Monica) Suprenant of Palmdale, Samantha Smalland Kimberly (Jon) Brooke all of Sacramento; Jamie Small and TedSmall both of Lake Tahoe; Bryan Burns of Texas, Michelle Burns andTyler Burns of Canyon Country; and great grandchildren MelissaDubron and Brittany Dubron of Saugus, Zoe Suprenant and JustinSuprenant of Palmdale, and Kali Burns of Texas.

There will be a memorial service at 10 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 15,2005, at Eternal Hills Memorial Park, 1999 El Camino Rey,Oceanside. The Rev. Shannon Phelps will officiate.

In lieu of flowers, please send donations to the ShrinersHospital for Children, 3160 Geneva Street, Los Angeles, CA.


Onesima Haydon, 96

SAN MARCOS —— Onesima Lopez Haydon, 96, died Thursday, Dec. 30,2004, in Carlsbad.

Born Sept. 17, 1908, in Quemado, N.M., she lived in San Marcosfor 16 years. She retired in September 1973 as a registered nurseat St. Vincent’s Hospital in Los Angeles. She was a member of St.Patrick’s Catholic Church in Carlsbad, where she was an Eucharisticminister. She enjoyed cooking, crocheting and needlepointing.

Mrs. Haydon was preceded in death by her husband, Herman Haydon,in December 1972.

She is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, James and IreneHaydon of Monterey Park; daughters and sons-in-law Mary and FloydStafford of San Marcos and Helen and Rick Garcia of Kingman, Ariz.;grandchildren Norman Jr., John, Antonette, Lisa, Deborah, Jenniferand Jimmy; and six great-grandchildren.

Rosary will be recited at 9:30 a.m. and Mass celebrated at 10:30a.m. Thursday, Jan. 6, at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, 3821 AdamsSt. in Carlsbad with the Rev. Steve McCall officiating. Privateinterment at Oak Hill Memorial Park is planned.

Oceanside Mortuary is handling arrangements.

Larry Robbins, 64

OCEANSIDE —— Dr. Larry R. Robbins, 64, died Thursday, Jan. 6,2005, at the Veterans Administration Hospital in San Diego.

Born Nov. 18, 1940, in Oakland, he lived in Oceanside for eightyears. He was a retired doctor of osteopathic medicine. He servedin the U.S. Navy as a doctor. He enjoyed surfing and the ocean. Hewas affiliated with the Alano Club.

Dr. Robbins was preceded in death by his son, Rodney R.Robbins.

He is survived by his wife, Patricia Robbins of Oceanside; sonRyan Robbins and daughter-in-law Sherrie Robbins of the Bay Area;daughters and son-in-law Kay and Brad James of Sugarland and DanaRobbins of Studio City; brother and sister-in-law Richard and DianeRobbins of Oroville, and grandchildren Ursula, Molly, Miranda,Katlyn and Kyle.

A memorial service is scheduled for 1 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 13, atEternal Hills Memorial Park, 1999 El Camino Real in Oceanside withthe Rev. Ralph Gault officiating. A private cremation isplanned.

Eternal Hills Mortuary is handling arrangements.

Obituaries – 1/13/05 (2025)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.