The Infinite World of Pokemon! - Chapter 30 - EmmaTheOnly (2024)

Chapter Text

*A short ride on Pidgeot and Charizard later, Red and Blue arrive at Lavaridge Town, being surprised at the quiet vibes the town seemed to carry. The pair decide to head to the hot springs first, before carrying on with their Gym battle.*

Blue, sounding a bit bothered, as he and Red stroll through the perimeter of the hot spring resort: Man…I feel so weird, just walking around this place in my normal clothing. Don’t you think it’d be easier if we just…took our clothes off, and mingled with the customers themselves, to see if any of them have seen Mr. Pokemon?

Red, shaking his head: Of course not! I don’t wanna sit in a hot bath with a bunch of old people! No one will even notice us from back here anyway!

Blue, shrugging: I don’t know…surely someone will spot us peeking through these wall indents at some point, right?

Red, sighing, as he peers through one of the openings: Look, we’re just here to see if we can find the old guy, right? It’s not like we’re looking at the women’s section anyway, so who’d yell at us? Some old men who probably don’t even care?

Blue, looking through the next section’s opening: Uh…Red? Are you sure these hot springs aren’t…gender-inclusive?

Red, shaking his head: Of course not, Blue. You saw it at the entrance, right? There’s a separate entrance for both men and women.

Blue, chuckling a bit: Well, go tell that to this chick over here…

Red, sounding confused, as he hurries over to the opening that Blue was peering into: What are you even talking about- oh…wait…Blue…doesn’t she look like…that girl I was with? From the future?!

*The boys then stare through the same opening, at the dark-green-haired girl, sitting in the middle of the spring, minding her business, surrounded by a bunch of older men, who didn’t even seem to notice her.*

Blue, sounding curious: Now that you mention it, Red…that does look a lot like her, yeah! What’s she doing in there, though?

Red, shrugging: I don’t know…but I say we give your approach a shot, actually.

Blue, stretching his arms: About time you side with one of my plans, for a change! But…what are you gonna say to her? ‘I saw you in the future, and the future is a desolate wasteland?’

Red, sighing: I don’t know…but obviously nothing like that! Just…follow my lead, alright?

*The pair make their way into the entrance of the Springs proper, where, now both simply wearing a colored-towel around their waists, both Red and Blue wade themselves into the hot spring, where the girl they saw continued to chill inside of.*

Blue, whispering into Red’s ear: So…any ideas on how to break the ice with her yet?

Red, sounding annoyed that Blue’s ‘whisper’ was louder than he liked: Not if you say stuff like that around her, I won’t! Just…keep cool, alright?

*Red wades over beside the girl, before tapping her on the shoulder. Her eyes open back up, as she looks over to Red, who awkwardly waves to her.*

Dark-green-haired girl, sounding a bit unsure: H-hello?

Red, sounding nervous too: Uh…hi. I couldn’t help but notice…you’re in the men’s hot springs, you know. The female section is just to the right of here, I think…

Dark-green-haired girl, sighing, as she lays her head back down onto the rocks behind her, and sighs: I know. But according to the staff here, my genitals don’t allow me to enter the other side of this place anymore.

Red, sounding confused: Your…genitals? So…wait, does that actually mean you’re a-

Dark-green-haired girl, sounding annoyed: No, it doesn’t mean I’m a guy, even if the staff of this place thinks I am. This place changed ownership recently, you see…I used to be able to go here and relax without issue on the woman’s side…but since this place went under new management, I can’t do that anymore. Hence, all the weird looks I get here, now.

Red, sounding confused: Well…if they don’t let you use your desired hot spring…why do you even still come here?

Dark–green-haired girl, with her eyes still closed: Because I still love the feel of these hot springs. Same reason you’re here, right?

Red, chuckling a bit, to keep up the illusion: Uh…yeah, totally. So…about that…I was wondering…do your Pokemon get invigorated too, after a hot springs session?

Dark-green-haired girl, as she perks her head up: Oh…yeah! They do, actually! I’d introduce you to them, but…they’re all chilling in the female section here.

Red, sounding confused: Wait…they separate the Pokemon by gender here too?

Dark-green-haired girl, shrugging: Yeah…but I don’t get why, at all! It’s not like any Pokemon are just going to decide to have Eggs in a place like this anyway, right?!

Red, frowning: That’s weird, for sure. I don’t get it either…

Dark-green-haired girl, shaking her head: Well…enough being down about gender arbitration…I take it all of your Pokemon are girls too, then? Seeing as there aren’t any Pokemon chilling in the hot springs over here…

Red, sounding caught-off-guard: Oh…my Pokemon? Well, aside from my Pikachu, I’m…not exactly sure what gender my other Pokemon are, actually…

Dark-green-haired girl, tilting her head: What? But…I thought you said that your Pokemon loved the hot springs!

Red, scratching the back of his head: Err…yeah, but I’ve…only ever brought Pikachu here before, and he’s getting healed at a Pokemon Center, you see…

Dark-green-haired girl, sounding confused: If your Pikachu’s hurt, why not just take him to the hot springs? Studies show that Pokemon perform better recovering in nature, than just a regular old Pokemon Center visit, after all!

Red, shrugging: Well…it was a pretty brutal battle, actually, so…I wouldn’t want Pikachu to drown in here, or anything...

Dark-green-haired girl, sounding intrigued: Is that right? You must be quite the Trainer then, risking your Pokemon in a battle that harsh…

Red, shrugging, as he then lays his head back against the rocks, like the girl was doing earlier: I mean…I am the Indigo League’s current Champion, so…comes with the territory, I guess.

Dark-green haired girl, after she quickly rubs the mist off her glasses: Ohmygosh…you are him!! And the guy next to you…that’s Blue, isn’t he?!

Blue, saluting the girl, from nearby: Howdy.

Dark-green-haired girl, as she continues to fangirl: Well, it’s super awesome getting to meet two famous Trainers in a place like this, but…what are the two of you doing in a place like this?!

Blue, sighing: It’s a…long story.

Red, nodding: Yeah. But the point is…we’re trying to earn all of Hoenn’s Gym Badges, too.

Dark-green-haired girl, sounding enamored: Really? No way!! Have you…battled Flannery then, yet?

Red, shaking his head: Not yet…we just came here to look for someone first.

Dark-green-haired girl, sounding surprised: Really? And…who would that be? Maybe…maybe I’ve seen them, and I could help you look?

Red, shaking his head: Doubt it, unless you’ve seen Mr. Pokemon himself around anywhere.

Dark-green-haired girl, raising her eyebrows: The old guy in charge of the Pokemon League organization? Is he lost, or something?

Blue, shrugging: We think so, and when we lost sight of him, we were all above Hoenn’s mainland…hence why we think he must be around here somewhere still.

Dark-green-haired girl, sounding desperate: Well…maybe I could join you guys, and help look for him! …The name’s Ivy, by the way. I’m…aiming to become a Pokemon Champion too, you see!

Red, smiling: Great minds think alike, right? My name’s Red, obviously…and I’d be happy for you to join us, if you want!

Ivy, looking thrilled: Same!! I mean…yeah! Let me just…have my Pokemon be returned, and I’ll meet up with you two in a sec!!

Blue, turning to Red, as Ivy rushes into the main area of the hot spring check-in center: So…what do you…think of her, Red?

Red, shrugging: I don’t know…I mean, I just met her! But, seeing that I obviously knew her quite well in the future…it’s probably for the best I keep her close to me, right? Besides…I feel like there’s something more to her story, than she’s letting on.

Blue, sounding curious: How do you figure?

Red, shrugging: I don’t know…call it a hunch, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out in time.

Ivy, emerging from out of the hot springs, fully-clothed now: Well, what do you think?

Red, smiling: You’re…cute, I think.

Ivy, blushing: Aw, you’re sweet, Red! But…I meant…what do you think we should do now? Should we all take on the Lavaridge Gym together, perhaps?

Red, nodding: Sounds like fun to me! It’ll be nice to get to know your Pokemon that way, too.

Ivy, nodding: Right?! Oh man…this is going to be so fun…I can already tell!!

*The trio make their way through Flannery’s Gym, coming face-to-face with her, upon their arrival.*

Flannery, trying to look tough: So…the three of you decided to take me on…all at once? It seems you’ve heard of just how powerful my team is, huh? Indeed, no mere single Trainer can take me on, hahahaha!!

Blue, rolling his eyes: Enough with the theatrics, lady. Do you wanna have a Triple Battle against us, or not?

Flannery, straightening herself up: Er…yeah, right. So, I have three Pokemon, so…how about each of you choose one Pokemon each to use in our match? That sound good?

Red, nodding, in the center of the group: Sounds fine to me. Blastoise, get out here, and ready your Hydro Cannons!

Blue, tossing out a Poke Ball too: Starmie, set up the weather in here, with a Rain Dance!

Ivy, with a determined smile: Well, I usually like training Grass-types…but I think Ludicolo can still be pretty useful here! Ready a Hydro Pump, would you?

Flannery, with her eyebrows raised: Wait…none of you are using fused Pokemon…?

Ivy, shaking her head: Nah, I feel the best Pokemon are ones that are born from nature!

Blue, smiling: Well, that’s definitely something we agree with too, actually!

Flannery, cackling like a villain: Puny trainers…you shall quickly learn that mere normal Pokemon don’t stand a chance against Pokemon who have been genetically engineered with advantages! Like Feartales, who can make the weather in here sunny, and negate the Rain Dance, just by existing! Not only that, but she’ll also blast the Starmie with a Solar Beam, for your troubles! Then, with the sun blazing, Darmanirupt’s Eruption will blow you all sky-high! And to top everything else off, Magcardon will let off some heat…by Overheating! Just try and keep yourselves cool, after this all-out heat wave!!

The Infinite World of Pokemon! - Chapter 30 - EmmaTheOnly (1) The Infinite World of Pokemon! - Chapter 30 - EmmaTheOnly (2) The Infinite World of Pokemon! - Chapter 30 - EmmaTheOnly (3)

*As predicted, Feartales simply looks to the air, where Starmie had been spinning around, causing the rain to quickly dry up, and evaporate. Opening its large beak, it fires off a bright green beam, eviscerating the Starmie upon contact, causing it to drop out of the air, and faint. Meanwhile, Darmanirupt’s Eruption goes off, causing flaming boulders to rain down on both Blastoise and Ludicolo’s heads, which further got boosted by Magcardon’s Overheated pressure. They both get singed, but are still able to fire off their Hydro Cannons and Hydro Pump respectively. Due to the sunny weather, however, Flannery’s Pokemon continued to stand.*

Flannery, chuckling: Is that the best you’ve got? I mean…I’m just getting warmed up! Feartales, blow a Solar Beam towards Blastoise next! Darmanirupt, launch another Eruption, again! And Magcardon, make them flinch with some Rock Slides now!!

Red, pointing at Feartales: Blastoise, take aim at the Feartales! If we can make it faint, the sunshine will go away! Use Hydro Cannon, now!!

*Blastoise tries to fire, but looks alarmed, over the realization that his water had evaporated from his shell tanks completely.*

Red, noticing what was wrong: No…don’t tell me you’re all out of Water-power already…!

Ivy, grinning with pride: Don’t worry Red…Ludicolo and I have got this…trust me! Terastalize into a Water-type, Ludicolo…and finish them, with a grand Water Spout!!

Red, sounding shocked: Tera…what?! What are you-

Ivy, winking to Red, as her Ludicolo’s body begins turns crystalline: Just watch what a true Paldean native can do, won’t ya?

*Red, Blue, and Flannery all watch, as Ludicolo suddenly has a bright, fanciful blue adornment form atop her head, as she puffs up her cheeks. Then, suddenly, from the top of the adorning decoration, comes an absolute downpour of water…one that seems to soak all three of Flannery’s Pokemon to their cores…as they all faint nearly instantly. Then, just as quickly as she had transformed, Ludicolo suddenly morphs back to normal, and acts as if nothing had even happened.*

Ivy, going up to Ludicolo, and hugging her: Alright!! Great work, Ludicolo!! I knew you could do it!!

Flannery, looking weirded out, as she hands the trio a Heat Badge each: Um…remind me to never get on your bad side, alright? Just…take the Badges and leave, alright?

Red and Blue, nodding, as they slowly back away from Ivy, as they take their Badges: Uh…right. Thank you…

*As the trio leave Flannery’s Gym, Ivy looked quite elated, and completely unaware of how apprehensive both of the boys now felt.*

Ivy, beaming: Wow, Flannery was almost a big problem for us, huh? Good thing we had the power of Terastalization on our side though, right?

Blue, scratching the back of his head: Teraso…what is it now?

Red, understanding his friend’s befuddlement: Yeah…I’ve read about all sorts of impressive battle techniques from other regions, and I’ve never heard of anything like…that….

Ivy, shrugging: Oh, yeah, I guess you wouldn’t have, would you? See, Terastalization is a phenomenon discovered in the Paldea Region! However, it doesn’t become known to the masses for another few years now, you see.

Red, sounding concerned: Wait…what are you talking about? If that…Terastalizing process doesn’t exist for another few years…then how the heck can you make use of it already?

Ivy, with a quick laugh: Oh, isn’t it obvious? I got my Tera Orb from the future! Well, one of many different futures, at least.

Blue, as his eyes widen, as he turns to Red: Seriously? We have another time traveler on our hands?

Red, as his eyebrows narrow: Hold up…are you saying…you came from the future?

Ivy, shrugging nonchalantly: Well, yes, actually! Multiple times over, in fact!

Red, frowning: Well, I was going to keep this little factoid to myself for awhile, but…I suppose I don’t have a reason to hide it now. You see…I think we’ve met before. You see, when Professor Sada had her Primal Dialga battle us, we got to see the future for a brief time. And that’s-

Ivy, finishing Red’s sentence: -when you met a future version of yourself, battling with an Iron Moth, right? That’s when you stole the Professor’s Pokemon, and you got sent back to the present, right?

Red, taking several steps backwards, as both he and Blue suddenly looked quite apprehensive of her: How…could you possibly have known any of that?

Ivy, shrugging: What can I say? Unlike you, I’ve been able to retain my memories each time we fail! Not my fault that you have a chronic case of amnesia every time we go through a loop, Red!

Red, as his eyes widen: Wait…are you saying…we’re in a time loop, as we speak…?

Ivy, nodding: Well…yeah, essentially! I know this is probably a lot to take in right now, but…how about I fill you in on what’s going down, while we all walk to Petalburg City?

Blue, sounding confused: Wait…why Petalburg?

Ivy, shrugging: That’s where Mr. Pokemon’s hiding.

Red, sounding alarmed: Wait…why didn’t you tell us sooner?! Is he okay?

Ivy, smiling, as she waves Red’s concerns away: He’s fine, Red! Honestly…he’s better than fine, even! He’s been holed himself up in that town, waiting for a truly strong Trainer to take on good ol’ Norman! Fortunately for him, Hoenn’s home to way too many Bug-catchers and casual Trainers…so he knew he’d be able to tell, when someone like you finally arrived. Once you win his Badge, you’ll become the talk of the town, after all!

Blue, shaking his head in disbelief: Wait…so if you already know all of this…why did you go and act like you didn’t know us, back in the hot springs?!

Ivy, frowning: Easy. You see, I had to know how far along you three have gone, in becoming established Trainers, before I dropped the usual bombshell on ya. Throughout all 3,953,438 times we’ve looped so far, I’ve met you at all kinds of different points in your journey. I’ve met you once just when you were first starting out in Pallet Town…once when you both first became Champions…and many times to come in the future, too! I’ve actually never experienced a loop before where you sought me out before, though! That one’s definitely new! I can only assume it’s because you remembered my face from Professor Sada’s interference, right?

Red, sounding overwhelmed and confused: Well…yeah, I guess. I did sorta have the feeling you were important to me somehow, all the same…

Ivy, smiling: Well, that’s because most ‘loopers’ tend to keep at least a tiny bit of their experience within their subconscious, you know? With the nearly countless times we’ve run into each other, all wonder you still seem to remember me at least a little bit…

Blue, sounding worried: Then…wait…if you’re back here, in the past again, then…does that mean you… failed to defeat the beast that emerged from the shadows behind you…?

Ivy, shrugging: Oh, Eternatus? Yeah…it caught us by surprise there, and killed us. In fact, we’ve never been able to beat it yet. It’s always been way too powerful for any of us to overcome so far. Still, I’m trying to collect every trick in the book for this next loop! Hence, why I stole a Tera Orb from the future!

Red, sounding alarmed: Wait…you…died?!

Ivy, shaking her head: Oh, well…not really. I would have ,though, if I didn’t send us both into the past by several years, like usual.

Blue, sounding alarmed: Wait… you’re a time traveler?!

Red, sounding cautious: And you don’t…even need a Pokemon to assist you?

Ivy, shrugging: That’s right! And it’s a good thing, too, because whenever it happens, I get taken back in time to right before I head off on my Pokemon journey! Weird, right?

Blue, sounding troubled: So…you can’t even control your powers…?

Ivy, shaking her head: Not really, no. I can’t understand why, honestly…but at least I’ve figured out that my powers activate reflexively, at the very least.

Red, shaking his mess: This…sounds like a complete mess.

Ivy, shrugging: You’re telling me, Red! I mean…I’m the one who’s had to repeat her entire Pokemon journey 3,953,438 times over! All the Pokemon I’ve met, and lost along the way…it’s enough to drive any normal girl crazy, right?

Blue, frowning: Any guy would go crazy too, having to repeat so much of their life like that.

Red, nodding: And all the time, no less? How do you even do it, Ivy?

Ivy, sighing: Through a whole hell of a lot of self-reflection, first off. Fun fact, did you know I was originally a dude, named Finn? After several hundred thousand loops, I realized that being a guy was really overrated, you see. That’s why I’m a woman now! It’s just…boring to keep up the same identity for loop after loop, you know? Sometimes you just wanna change things up!

Blue, sounding weirded out: Uh…riiiight. Anyway, you said Mr. Pokemon’s at Petalburg, right? If that’s the case, why are we even still walking? We all have Flying-types, right?

Ivy, nodding: Yep, that we do! Come on out, Unfezant! Take us to Petalburg!!

Red, as he calls out his Charizard: Wait…were we really just walking…so you could just…tell us all this important stuff right now?

Ivy, nodding: Yeah, pretty much. But hey, you guys know all the important stuff now, right? Why don’t we keep the loop going, and head to Petalburg now?

Red, with a cautious nod: Er…right. You heard her, Charizard…take us to Petalburg, I guess.

The Infinite World of Pokemon! - Chapter 30 - EmmaTheOnly (2024)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

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Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.