Top 52 Slang For Funny – Meaning & Usage - FluentSlang (2024)

Life is better with a good laugh, and so is your vocabulary! We’ve scoured the depths of the internet to bring you the most hilarious and current slang words for funny. From punny phrases to witty one-liners, this listicle is guaranteed to have you ROFLing in no time. So, get ready to tickle your funny bone and impress your friends with these side-splitting expressions.

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1. LOL

This acronym is used to indicate that something is funny. It is often used in text messages, online chats, and social media.

  • For example, “That joke you told was hilarious, LOL!”
  • Someone might respond to a funny meme with, “LOL, this made my day.”
  • When watching a funny video, a person might comment, “LOL, I can’t stop laughing!”


This acronym is used to express extreme laughter or amusem*nt. It is commonly used in response to something very funny or hilarious.

  • For instance, “That joke was so funny, I’m LMAO!”
  • A person might reply to a funny story with, “LMAO, I can’t breathe!”
  • When watching a comedy show, someone might say, “This is hilarious, LMAO!”


This acronym is used to indicate that something is extremely funny. It implies that the person is laughing so hard that they are rolling on the floor.

  • For example, “That joke was so funny, I’m ROFL!”
  • A person might respond to a funny video with, “ROFL, I can’t stop laughing!”
  • When someone shares a humorous story, someone might comment, “ROFL, that’s hilarious!”


This acronym is an intensified version of LMAO, expressing even more extreme laughter or amusem*nt. It is used to indicate that something is incredibly funny.

  • For instance, “That joke was so hilarious, I’m LMFAO!”
  • A person might reply to a funny meme with, “LMFAO, I can’t stop laughing!”
  • When watching a comedy show, someone might say, “This is so funny, LMFAO!”


This term is used to express laughter or amusem*nt. It is a simple and informal way to indicate that something is funny.

  • For example, “That joke you told was hilarious, HAHA!”
  • Someone might respond to a funny video with, “HAHA, I can’t stop laughing!”
  • When sharing a funny story, a person might comment, “HAHA, that’s so funny!”

6. Hehe

This is a simple expression of amusem*nt or laughter, often used in text or online communication. It is an informal way to convey that something is funny.

  • For example, “That joke made me hehe.”
  • A person might comment on a funny meme with “Hehe,“Hehe, this made me laugh.”
  • In a chat conversation, someone might respond to a funny comment with “Hehe, that’s hilarious.”

7. Giggle

Giggling is a soft, high-pitched laughter that is often associated with feeling amused or tickled. It is a playful and lighthearted way to express amusem*nt.

  • For instance, “The children couldn’t stop giggling at the silly clown.”
  • A person might giggle when watching a funny video or hearing a funny story.
  • In a group of friends, someone might giggle at a funny inside joke.

8. Snicker

Snickering is a type of laughter that is characterized by a quiet, suppressed sound. It is often associated with finding something amusing or funny, but trying to hide or control the laughter.

  • For example, “He couldn’t help but snicker at the comedian’s clever punchline.”
  • A person might snicker when they witness a funny mishap or hear a witty remark.
  • In a classroom, a student might snicker at a funny comment made by their classmate.

9. Chortle

Chortling is a type of laughter that combines chuckling and glee. It is a joyful and hearty laugh that is often associated with finding something extremely funny or amusing.

  • For instance, “She couldn’t contain her chortle when she saw the hilarious prank.”
  • A person might chortle when watching a comedy show or reading a funny book.
  • In a conversation, someone might chortle at a friend’s funny story.

10. Guffaw

Guffawing is a type of laughter that is loud, boisterous, and uninhibited. It is often associated with finding something extremely funny or hilarious, and can be contagious.

  • For example, “The entire room erupted in guffaws when the comedian told the joke.”
  • A person might guffaw when watching a comedy movie or hearing a hilarious anecdote.
  • In a group setting, someone might guffaw at a funny comment made by a friend.

11. Side-splitting

This term is used to describe something that is extremely funny, to the point of causing intense laughter. It suggests that the humor is so strong that it feels like one’s sides might split from laughing too hard.

  • For example, “That comedian’s performance was side-splitting; I couldn’t stop laughing.”
  • A person might say, “The movie was side-splittingly funny; I was in stitches the whole time.”
  • In a review of a comedy show, one might write, “The jokes were side-splitting and had the entire audience roaring with laughter.”

12. Rib-tickling

This term is used to describe something that is amusing or funny, often causing gentle laughter or a tickling sensation in one’s ribs. It suggests a lighthearted and enjoyable form of humor.

  • For instance, “The comedian’s jokes were rib-tickling; they had everyone chuckling.”
  • A person might say, “That movie had some rib-tickling moments; it was a fun watch.”
  • In a conversation about funny stories, one might share, “I have a rib-tickling tale from my trip to the amusem*nt park.”

13. Knee-slapper

This term refers to a joke or humorous situation that is so funny that it causes one to slap their knee in reaction. It suggests that the humor is so strong that it physically affects the person.

  • For example, “That joke was a real knee-slapper; it had everyone in stitches.”
  • A person might say, “The comedy show was full of knee-slappers; my cheeks hurt from laughing so much.”
  • In a discussion about funny moments, one might share, “I had a knee-slapper of a mishap at work today.”

14. Cracking up

This term is used to describe the act of laughing uncontrollably or bursting into laughter. It suggests that something is incredibly funny and causes a person to lose control of their laughter.

  • For instance, “The comedian’s punchline had me cracking up; I couldn’t stop laughing.”
  • A person might say, “That video was so funny; it had me cracking up for minutes.”
  • In a conversation about funny experiences, one might share, “I couldn’t hold it in; I was cracking up during the entire meeting.”

15. Jokester

This term refers to a person who is known for their humor and ability to tell jokes. It suggests that the individual is skilled at making others laugh and enjoys being funny.

  • For example, “John is such a jokester; he always has a funny story to share.”
  • A person might say, “My friend is a natural jokester; they can make anyone laugh.”
  • In a discussion about funny people, one might mention, “The comedian is a renowned jokester; their performances are always a hit.”

16. Funny bone

This phrase refers to a person’s sense of humor or their ability to find things funny. It is often used to describe someone who has a good sense of humor.

  • For example, “She has a great funny bone. She always makes everyone laugh.”
  • A person might say, “I love hanging out with him. He has a great funny bone.”
  • Another might comment, “Having a good funny bone is important in a comedy club.”

17. Comical

This word is used to describe something that is funny or amusing. It is often used to describe situations, events, or people that bring laughter or amusem*nt.

  • For instance, “The comedian’s performance was comical. The audience couldn’t stop laughing.”
  • A person might say, “That movie was so comical. I laughed throughout the entire film.”
  • Another might comment, “His comical antics always brighten up the room.”

18. Witty

This word describes someone who is quick and clever in their humor. It refers to a person’s ability to make witty remarks or come up with clever jokes.

  • For example, “She is known for her witty comebacks. She always has a clever response.”
  • A person might say, “He has a witty sense of humor. His jokes are always clever and unexpected.”
  • Another might comment, “His witty remarks always leave everyone in stitches.”

19. Jolly

This word is used to describe someone who is cheerful, happy, and full of laughter. It can also be used to describe something that brings joy or amusem*nt.

  • For instance, “He has such a jolly personality. He always brings a smile to everyone’s face.”
  • A person might say, “The jolly atmosphere of the party made everyone feel happy.”
  • Another might comment, “His jolly laughter is contagious.”

20. Haha funny

This phrase is used to express that something is funny or amusing. It is often used in online conversations or social media to indicate laughter or amusem*nt.

  • For example, “That joke was haha funny. It made me laugh out loud.”
  • A person might say, “The meme he shared was haha funny. It brightened up my day.”
  • Another might comment, “His haha funny videos always go viral.”

21. Hysterical

Used to describe something that is incredibly hilarious or causes uncontrollable laughter.

  • For example, “That joke was so hysterical, I couldn’t stop laughing.”
  • A person might say, “The comedian’s performance was absolutely hysterical.”
  • Someone might comment on a funny video, “I was in hysterics watching this!”

22. Rolling in the aisles

This phrase is used to describe someone who is laughing so hard that they are unable to control themselves.

  • For instance, “The stand-up comedian had the audience rolling in the aisles.”
  • A person might say, “That joke was so funny, I was rolling in the aisles.”
  • Someone might comment on a hilarious movie scene, “I was rolling in the aisles during that part!”

23. Splitting my sides

This phrase is used to describe someone who is laughing so hard that it feels like their sides are going to split or burst.

  • For example, “The comedian’s jokes had me splitting my sides.”
  • A person might say, “That video was so funny, I was splitting my sides.”
  • Someone might comment on a funny story, “I was splitting my sides when I heard that!”

24. Haha moment

This phrase is used to describe a moment or situation that is funny and elicits laughter.

  • For instance, “That was definitely a haha moment.”
  • A person might say, “I had a haha moment when I saw that meme.”
  • Someone might comment on a funny picture, “This gave me a haha moment!”

25. Comedy gold

Used to describe something that is incredibly funny or entertaining, often in a sarcastic or ironic way.

  • For example, “The comedian’s performance was pure comedy gold.”
  • A person might say, “That joke was comedy gold.”
  • Someone might comment on a funny TV show, “This episode was comedy gold!”

26. Laugh riot

A “laugh riot” refers to someone or something that is extremely funny and can cause uncontrollable laughter. It is used to describe a person or a situation that is filled with humor and brings joy to others.

  • For example, “The comedian’s performance was a laugh riot, and the audience couldn’t stop laughing.”
  • A friend might say, “You always make our gatherings a laugh riot with your funny stories.”
  • When watching a comedy show, someone might comment, “This show is a laugh riot from start to finish!”

27. Prankster

A “prankster” is a person who enjoys playing practical jokes or tricks on others. They often find humor in creating unexpected and sometimes harmless mischief.

  • For instance, “John is known as the office prankster because he’s always pulling funny tricks on his colleagues.”
  • A friend might say, “Watch out for Sarah, she’s a notorious prankster and loves to surprise people.”
  • During a conversation about funny memories, someone might share, “I once played a prank on my sibling, and it was hilarious! I dressed up as a ghost and scared them.”

28. Clown

A “clown” is an entertainer who uses humor, silly behavior, and exaggerated actions to make people laugh. They often wear colorful costumes, makeup, and wigs to create a funny and entertaining persona.

  • For example, “The circus clown had everyone in stitches with their hilarious antics.”
  • During a discussion about favorite childhood memories, someone might say, “I loved going to the circus and watching the clowns perform.”
  • A parent might describe their child’s behavior as, “My daughter is such a little clown, always making funny faces and trying to make everyone laugh.”

29. Goofball

A “goofball” is a term used to describe someone who often behaves in a silly, foolish, or goofy manner. They enjoy making others laugh by doing funny things or saying humorous remarks.

  • For instance, “Mike is such a goofball, always doing silly dances and making funny voices.”
  • During a conversation about funny moments, someone might share, “I tripped and fell in front of everyone, and they all laughed. I felt like a total goofball!”
  • A friend might playfully tease another by saying, “You’re such a goofball, always cracking jokes and making us laugh.”

30. Wisecracker

A “wisecracker” is someone who has a talent for making clever and witty remarks, often in a humorous or sarcastic way. They have a quick wit and are skilled at coming up with funny one-liners or humorous comebacks.

  • For example, “Samantha is known as the office wisecracker because she always has a funny comment to make.”
  • During a friendly banter, someone might say, “You’re such a wisecracker, always coming up with hilarious responses.”
  • In a comedy show, a comedian might be praised as a “master wisecracker” for their ability to deliver funny and clever punchlines.

31. Joker

The term “joker” refers to someone who is known for their comedic abilities or for playing practical jokes. It can also be used to describe someone who is witty or clever in a humorous way.

  • For example, “He’s always making everyone laugh. He’s such a joker.”
  • In a discussion about stand-up comedy, someone might say, “The joker had the audience in stitches with his hilarious jokes.”
  • A person might describe a funny friend by saying, “She’s always cracking jokes. She’s a real joker.”

32. Funnyman

The term “funnyman” is used to describe a person, usually a man, who is known for their comedic abilities. It can also be used more broadly to refer to anyone who is funny or has a good sense of humor.

  • For instance, “He’s the funniest guy I know. He’s a real funnyman.”
  • In a conversation about comedy movies, someone might say, “The funnyman in that film had me laughing throughout the whole movie.”
  • A person might describe a friend by saying, “She’s always making everyone laugh. She’s a real funnyman.”

33. Giggles

The term “giggles” is used to refer to laughs or laughter, especially when they are light-hearted or joyful. It can also be used as a verb to describe the act of laughing in a light-hearted or playful manner.

  • For example, “Her jokes always give me the giggles.”
  • In a discussion about a funny video, someone might say, “I couldn’t stop giggling while watching it.”
  • A person might describe a funny situation by saying, “It was so hilarious, we couldn’t help but burst into giggles.”

34. Hilarity

The term “hilarity” refers to extreme amusem*nt or laughter. It is used to describe a situation, event, or joke that is extremely funny and causes people to laugh uproariously.

  • For instance, “The comedian’s performance was filled with hilarity.”
  • In a conversation about a funny movie, someone might say, “The film was pure hilarity from start to finish.”
  • A person might describe a funny story by saying, “It had everyone in stitches. The hilarity was non-stop.”

35. Amusing

The term “amusing” is used to describe something that is entertaining or funny in a light-hearted or enjoyable way. It can be used to describe a person, situation, or joke that brings a smile or chuckle.

  • For example, “The comedian’s jokes were amusing and kept the audience entertained.”
  • In a discussion about a funny TV show, someone might say, “It’s a highly amusing sitcom that always makes me laugh.”
  • A person might describe a funny video by saying, “It’s a short clip that’s sure to bring some amusing moments.”

36. Jocular

Jocular is a word used to describe something or someone that is funny or characterized by humor. It can refer to jokes, remarks, or behavior that is meant to entertain or provoke laughter.

  • For example, “He always has a jocular comment to make everyone laugh.”
  • In a comedy show, a comedian might say, “I try to incorporate jocular elements into my performance.”
  • A person describing a funny situation might say, “It was a jocular moment that had everyone in stitches.”

37. Quirky

Quirky is a term used to describe something or someone that is unconventional, peculiar, or slightly odd in an endearing or amusing way. It often refers to unusual behavior, characteristics, or ideas that deviate from the norm.

  • For instance, “She has a quirky sense of humor that always surprises us.”
  • A person might say, “I love his quirky fashion style. It’s so unique.”
  • In a movie review, a critic might describe a character as “quirky and eccentric.”

38. Droll

Droll is a word used to describe something or someone that is amusingly odd, whimsical, or comical. It refers to humor that is dry, subtle, or understated, often with a touch of irony or sarcasm.

  • For example, “His droll sense of humor always catches people off guard.”
  • A person might say, “I enjoy his droll wit. It’s so clever.”
  • In a comedy show, a comedian might use droll humor to make the audience think and laugh at the same time.

39. Waggish

Waggish is a term used to describe something or someone that is playfully mischievous, jocular, or funny in a lighthearted way. It often refers to jokes, behavior, or remarks that are meant to provoke laughter or amusem*nt.

  • For instance, “He always has a waggish comment to lighten the mood.”
  • A person might say, “I love her waggish personality. She’s always making everyone laugh.”
  • In a social gathering, someone might say, “Let’s play a waggish prank on our friends and see their reactions.”

40. Zany

Zany is a word used to describe something or someone that is crazy, unconventional, or wildly funny. It often refers to behavior, ideas, or situations that are absurd, eccentric, or outlandish in a humorous way.

  • For example, “His zany antics always leave us in stitches.”
  • A person might say, “I love her zany sense of fashion. It’s so unique.”
  • In a comedy movie, a character might have a zany personality that adds a hilarious element to the story.

41. Chuckle

This term refers to a soft and gentle laugh, usually in response to something amusing or funny. It is a casual way to express amusem*nt.

  • For example, “His joke made me chuckle.”
  • A friend might say, “I couldn’t help but chuckle at that silly video.”
  • In a comedy show, the audience might chuckle at a clever punchline.

42. Snigg*r

A snigg*r is a stifled or suppressed laugh, often with a hint of amusem*nt or mockery. It is a more secretive and subtle way to express humor.

  • For instance, “She couldn’t help but snigg*r at his embarrassing moment.”
  • In a teasing manner, someone might snigg*r and say, “You really thought that was funny?”
  • A mischievous child might snigg*r after playing a prank on their sibling.

43. Jovial

Jovial describes someone who is light-hearted, cheerful, and full of humor. It refers to a person’s overall demeanor and is often used to describe someone who brings a positive and funny energy to a room.

  • For example, “She has a jovial personality that always makes people laugh.”
  • A friend might say, “I love hanging out with him because he’s always so jovial.”
  • At a party, a jovial host might make everyone feel comfortable and entertained.

44. Silly

Silly refers to something or someone that is amusingly ridiculous or foolish in a harmless and playful way. It can describe a funny or lighthearted behavior, situation, or person.

  • For instance, “They had a silly dance-off at the party.”
  • A friend might say, “Stop being so silly, you’re making me laugh.”
  • In a comedy skit, the actors might engage in silly antics to entertain the audience.

45. Goofy

Goofy describes someone or something that is amusingly awkward, clumsy, or silly in a lovable and endearing way. It often refers to a person’s behavior or appearance.

  • For example, “He has a goofy sense of humor that always makes me laugh.”
  • A friend might say, “You’re so goofy, I can’t help but smile when I’m around you.”
  • In a comedy movie, a character might have a goofy walk or mannerisms that add to the humor of the film.

46. Wacky

This term refers to something that is unconventional, odd, or outlandish. It is often used to describe something that is humorous in a silly or absurd way.

  • For example, “That comedian’s wacky sense of humor always leaves the audience in stitches.”
  • A person might say, “I love watching wacky cartoons that make me laugh out loud.”
  • In a discussion about comedy movies, someone might mention, “Jim Carrey is known for his wacky characters and physical comedy.”

47. Tickle one’s funny bone

This phrase means to greatly amuse or entertain someone. It refers to something that is so funny that it feels like a physical sensation, as if someone is tickling your funny bone.

  • For instance, “That joke really tickled my funny bone; I couldn’t stop laughing.”
  • A person might say, “Watching stand-up comedy always tickles my funny bone.”
  • In a conversation about humorous anecdotes, someone might share, “I have a friend who always tells stories that tickle my funny bone.”

48. Split one’s sides

This expression means to laugh uncontrollably or to laugh so hard that it feels like your sides might split from the force of the laughter. It emphasizes the intensity of the laughter.

  • For example, “The comedian’s hilarious performance had the entire audience splitting their sides.”
  • A person might say, “That joke was so funny, it made me split my sides laughing.”
  • In a discussion about funny videos, someone might comment, “This video is guaranteed to make you split your sides with laughter.”

49. Burst out laughing

This phrase means to suddenly and uncontrollably start laughing. It describes a spontaneous and explosive reaction to something that is funny.

  • For instance, “When he told that joke, I couldn’t help but burst out laughing.”
  • A person might say, “The funny scene in the movie made me burst out laughing in the theater.”
  • In a conversation about funny moments, someone might recall, “I remember when my friend tripped and fell; I burst out laughing because it was so unexpected.”

50. Cracking jokes

This phrase means to tell funny or humorous jokes. It is often used to describe someone who has a talent for making others laugh with their jokes.

  • For example, “He’s always cracking jokes and keeping the mood light.”
  • A person might say, “I love hanging out with her; she’s always cracking jokes and making everyone laugh.”
  • In a discussion about stand-up comedy, someone might mention, “Cracking jokes on stage requires timing, delivery, and a good sense of humor.”

51. Funny as hell

This phrase is used to describe something that is incredibly funny or humorous. It emphasizes the level of amusem*nt and adds emphasis to the humor.

  • For example, “That joke was funny as hell, I couldn’t stop laughing.”
  • A person might say, “The video I saw yesterday was funny as hell, it had me in stitches.”
  • Someone might comment, “The comedian’s performance was funny as hell, I was laughing the whole time.”

52. Hilariousness

This word refers to the state or quality of being extremely funny or humorous. It emphasizes the level of amusem*nt and the ability to cause laughter.

  • For instance, “The sitcom is known for its hilariousness, it always makes me laugh.”
  • A person might say, “The comedian’s jokes were filled with hilariousness, the audience couldn’t stop laughing.”
  • Someone might comment, “The video went viral because of its hilariousness, it had everyone in stitches.”
Top 52 Slang For Funny – Meaning & Usage - FluentSlang (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.