Undergraduate-Calculate Your Cost of Attendance (2024)

This calculator is designed to help you project and plan for 2024-2025 academic year. Please note that this calculator only accounts for tuition, room, meal, and mandatory fees for students; your final cost could be higher or lower depending on your enrollment status and other fees specific to your academic program. General and College fees are based on degree program not the specific courses you enroll in.

To calculate the cost of graduate studies, use the graduate cost of attendance calculator

') //write in a div with the "warning".appendTo('#insWarn') //add it first.hide() //hide it.slideDown('slow') //slide that sumbitch down slowly.delay(5000) //let it display for 5 seconds.slideUp('slow'); //slide it up again slowly and out of viewcalculate();}/////////////////////////////////////// END HEALTH INSURANCE CALCULATIONS/////////////////////////////////////greenFee = $('#greenFee').val(); //sets the value of green fee variable based on selection$('#greenFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(greenFee))); //display green fee line itemlegalFee = $('#legalFee').val(); //sets the value of legal fee variable based on selection$('#legalFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(legalFee))); //display legal fee line itemmediaFee = $('#mediaFee').val(); //sets the value of media fee variable based on selection$('#mediaFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(mediaFee))); //display media fee line itemmatriculationFee = $('#matriculationFee').val(); //sets the value of matriculation fee variable based on selection$('#matriculationFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(matriculationFee))); //display matriculation fee line itembg1Fee = $('#bg1Fee').val(); //sets the value of bg1 fee variable based on selectionif(matriculationFee == 100 && bg1Fee == 0){ //if "New Student" is selected...$('#bg1Fee .bg1NO').removeAttr('selected'); //remove No card needed selection$('#bg1Fee .bg1YES').attr('selected', 'selected'); //select card needed automatically//$('#bg1fee').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); //disable the bg1 selectionbg1Fee = $('#bg1Fee').val(); //sets the value of bg1 fee variable based on selection$('#bg1FeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(bg1Fee))); //display bg1 fee line item$('

New students are required to purchase a BG1 Card

') //write in a div with the "warning".appendTo('#bg1Warn') //add it first.hide() //hide it.slideDown('slow') //slide that sumbitch down slowly.delay(5000) //let it display for 5 seconds.slideUp('slow'); //slide it up again slowly and out of view}else {//$('#bg1fee').removeAttr('disabled'); //disable the bg1 selection$('#bg1FeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(bg1Fee))); //display bg1 fee line item}housingFee = $('#housingFee').val(); //sets the value of housing fee variable based on selectionmealPlan = $('#mealPlan').val(); //sets the value of meal plan fee variable based on selection$('#mealPlanTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(mealPlan))); //display meal plan fee line itemif((housingFee > 2) && (mealPlan == 0)){ //if any oncampus housing is selected and NO meal plan is selected then//alert('When living on campus you MUST have a meal plan. Meal Plan set to Bronze level.'); //Alert the user$('#housingFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(housingFee))); //display housing fee line item$('

When living on campus you MUST have a meal plan. Meal plan set to bronze level

') //write in a div with the "warning".appendTo('#mealPlanWarn') //add it first.hide() //hide it.slideDown('slow') //slide that sumbitch down slowly.delay(5000) //let it display for 5 seconds.slideUp('slow'); //slide it up again slowly and out of view$('#mealPlan .NoMealPlan').removeAttr('selected'); //remove the No Meal Plan selection$('#mealPlan .bronze').attr('selected', 'selected'); //select Bronze meal plan automaticallymealPlan = $('#mealPlan').val(); //resets the value of meal plan fee variable based on selection$('#mealPlanTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(mealPlan))); //resets display meal plan fee line item}else if (housingFee > 2){$('#housingFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(housingFee))); //display housing fee line item} else if(housingFee == 1){ housingFee = apartment; //Apartment Fee$('#housingFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(housingFee))); //display housing fee line item}else if (housingFee == 2){housingFee = apartmentSingle; //Apartment Single Fee$('#housingFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(housingFee))); //display housing fee line item}else{$('#housingFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(housingFee))); //display housing fee line item}; permitFee = $('#permitFee').val(); //sets the value of permit fee variable based on selection$('#permitFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(permitFee))); //display permit fee line item//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Calculation for Technology Fee ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////if(college == 0){ //When no college is selected//alert("No college selected");$('#techFeeTotal').text('College must be selected').css('color', 'red'); //print text telling them college must be selected$('#counselingTotal').text('College must be selected').css('color', 'red'); //print text telling them college must be selected$('#careerTotal').text('College must be selected').css('color','red');//print text telling them college must be selected$('#TOTAL').text('College must be selected').css('color','red');//print text telling them college must be selected$('#remainingTOTAL').text('College must be selected').css('color','red');//print text telling them college must be selectedreturn false;}techFeeCalc();//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Calculation for Counseling Service and Career Services Fee ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////if(academicLevel == 0){$('#counselingTotal').text('Academic Level must be selected').css('color', 'red'); //print text telling them academic level must be selected$('#careerTotal').text('Academic level must be selected').css('color','red');//print text telling them academic level must be selected$('#TOTAL').text('Academic level must be selected').css('color','red');//print text telling them academic level must be selected$('#remainingTOTAL').text('Academic level must be selected').css('color','red');//print text telling them academic level must be selectedreturn false;}else if(academicLevel == 1){ //if student is a Freshman then....if (creditHours >= 1 && creditHours <= 18){ //if credit hours are from 1 -18counselingFee = creditHours * counselingFee.freshman;careerFee = creditHours * careerFee.freshman;printCounselCareer();}/*else if (creditHours >= 12 && creditHours <= 18){ //if credit hours are from 12-18counselingFee = 8;careerFee = creditHours * 3;printCounselCareer();}*/else if (creditHours > 18){ //any credit hours greater than 18counselingFee = counselingFee.freshman * 18;careerFee = careerFee.freshman * 18;printCounselCareer();}}else if(academicLevel == 2){ //if student is a Sophom*ore then....if (creditHours >= 1 && creditHours <= 18){ //if credit hours are from 1 -18counselingFee = creditHours * counselingFee.sophom*ore;careerFee = creditHours * careerFee.sophom*ore;printCounselCareer();}/*else if (creditHours >= 13 && creditHours <= 18){ //if credit hours are from 13-18counselingFee = 12.96;careerFee = creditHours * 3;printCounselCareer();}*/else if (creditHours > 18){ //any credit hours greater than 18counselingFee = counselingFee.sophom*ore * 18;careerFee = careerFee.sophom*ore * 18;printCounselCareer();}}else if(academicLevel == 3){//if student is a Junior then...if (creditHours >= 1 && creditHours <= 18){ //if credit hours are from 1 -18counselingFee = creditHours * counselingFee.junior;careerFee = creditHours * careerFee.junior;printCounselCareer();}/*else if (creditHours >= 13 && creditHours <= 18){ //if credit hours are from 13-18counselingFee = 12;careerFee = creditHours * 5;printCounselCareer();}*/else if (creditHours > 18){ //any credit hours greater than 18counselingFee = counselingFee.junior * 18;careerFee = careerFee.junior * 18;printCounselCareer();}}else if(academicLevel == 4){ //if student is a Senior then...if (creditHours >= 1 && creditHours <= 18){ //if credit hours are from 1 -18counselingFee = creditHours * counselingFee.senior;careerFee = creditHours * careerFee.senior;printCounselCareer();}/*else if (creditHours >= 13 && creditHours <= 18){ //if credit hours are from 13-18counselingFee = 9.96;careerFee = creditHours * 5;printCounselCareer();}*/else if (creditHours > 18){ //any credit hours greater than 18counselingFee = counselingFee.senior * 18;careerFee = careerFee.senior * 18;printCounselCareer();}}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// END OF Calculation for Counseling Service and Career Services Fee ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////TOTAL////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////total = (regFee * 1) + (genFee * 1) + (instructFee * 1) + (facilityFee * 1) + (residentFee * 1) + (healthInsFee * 1) + (greenFee * 1) + (legalFee * 1) + (matriculationFee * 1) + (housingFee * 1) + (mealPlan * 1) + (permitFee * 1) + (bg1Fee * 1) + (internationalFee * 1) + (internationalOrientFee * 1) + (counselingFee * 1) + (careerFee * 1) + (expenses * 1) + (techFee * 1) + (mediaFee * 1); //add all the fees to get the total. Multiplying variables by 1 converts them from a string to a number.//alert(total);//alert(internationalFee);$('#TOTAL').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(total))).css('color','#000000');}//*********END MAIN CAMPUS IF STATEMENT****************////////////////////////////////////IF STATEMENT FOR FIRELANDS CAMPUS//////////////////////////////////else if(campus == "firelands"){ //if the campus selected is Firelands then//alert('Firelands');$('.MainCampusQuestions').slideUp('slow'); //Fades Out Main Campus questions if not already$('.hideFirelands').slideUp('slow'); //Fades Out Main Campus questions if not already$('.IPPsection').slideDown(2500); //slide down if not already$('.MainFirelands').slideDown(2500); //slide down if not alreadyfacilityFee = 0; //sets facility fee to 0 $('#facilityFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(facilityFee))); //display facility fee line itemif (creditHours == ""){ //if nothing is entered in credit hours$('#genFeeTotal').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line item$('#instructFeeTotal').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line item$('#residentTotal').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line item$('#TOTAL').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line item$('#remainingTOTAL').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line itemreturn false; //you shall not pass!}else if (creditHours == 0){ //if 0 is entered in credit hours$('#genFeeTotal').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line item$('#instructFeeTotal').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line item$('#residentTotal').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line item$('#TOTAL').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line item$('#remainingTOTAL').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line itemreturn false; //you shall not pass!}else if (creditHours >= 1 && creditHours <= 12){ //if credit hours is between 1 and 12//alert(creditHours);genFee = creditHours * genFee.firelands; //sets general feegenFee=genFee.toFixed(2); //Trying to fix a floating point javascript error$('#genFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(genFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of campus variable in semester charge columninstructFee = creditHours * instructFee.firelands; //sets instructional fee$('#instructFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(instructFee))).css('color','#000000'); //display instructional fee line item//Now the if statements to figure out residency and associated feesfirelandsResidency();}else if (creditHours >= 13 && creditHours <= 18){ //if credit hours is greater than or equal to 13 then...//alert(creditHours);genFee = genFee.firelands * 12; //sets general feegenFee=genFee.toFixed(2); //Trying to fix a floating point javascript error$('#genFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(genFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of campus variable in semester charge columninstructFee = instructFee.firelands * 12; //sets instructional fee$('#instructFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(instructFee))).css('color','#000000'); //display instructional fee line item//Now the if statements to figure out residency and associated feesfirelandsResidency();}else if (creditHours >= 19){ //if credit hours is greater than 18...//alert(creditHours);genFee = genFee.firelands * 12; //sets general feegenFee=genFee.toFixed(2); //Trying to fix a floating point javascript error$('#genFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(genFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of campus variable in semester charge columninstructFee = (instructFee.firelands * 12) + ((creditHours - 18) * 150); //sets instructional fee$('#instructFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(instructFee))).css('color','#000000'); //display instructional fee line item//Now the if statements to figure out residency and associated feesfirelandsResidency();}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Calculation for Firelands Technology and Career Fees////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////if(academicLevel == 0){ //When no academic level selected//alert("No college selected");$('#techFeeTotal').text('Academic Level must be selected').css('color', 'red'); //print text telling them college must be selected$('#TOTAL').text('Academic Level must be selected').css('color','red');//print text telling them college must be selected$('#remainingTOTAL').text('Academic Level must be selected').css('color','red');//print text telling them college must be selectedreturn false;}else if(academicLevel <= 2){ //When Freshmen or Sophom*ore selectedif (creditHours <= 15){techFee = creditHours * firelandsTechFee.freshsoph;}else{techFee = 15 * firelandsTechFee.freshsoph;}if (creditHours <= 18){careerFee = creditHours * firelandsCareerFee.freshsoph;$('#careerTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(careerFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of career variable in line item.}else{careerFee = firelandsCareerFee.freshsoph * 18;$('#careerTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(careerFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of career variable in line item.}}else if(academicLevel >= 3){ //When Junior or Senior selectedif (creditHours <= 15){techFee = creditHours * firelandsTechFee.juniorsenior;}else{techFee = 15 * firelandsTechFee.juniorsenior;}if (creditHours <= 18){careerFee = creditHours * firelandsCareerFee.juniorsenior;$('#careerTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(careerFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of career variable in line item.}else{careerFee = firelandsCareerFee.juniorsenior * 18;$('#careerTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(careerFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of career variable in line item.}}$('#techFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(techFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////TOTAL////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////total = (regFee * 1) + (genFee * 1) + (instructFee * 1) + (facilityFee * 1) + (residentFee * 1) + (expenses * 1) + (internationalFee * 1) + (careerFee * 1) + (techFee * 1); //add all the fees to get the total. Multiplying variables by 1 converts them from a string to a number.//alert(total);total=total.toFixed(2); //Trying to fix a floating point javascript error$('#TOTAL').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(total))).css('color','#000000');}//*********END FIRELANDS CAMPUS IF STATEMENT****************////////////////////////////////////IF STATEMENT FOR DISTANCE CAMPUS//////////////////////////////////else if(campus == "distance"){ //if the campus selected is distance thenvar regFee = 8; //set registration fee to eight$('#regFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(regFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints //alert('Distance');$('.MainCampusQuestions').slideUp('slow'); //Fades Out Main Campus questions if not already$('.hideFirelands').slideDown(2500); //slide down if not already$('.IPPsection').slideDown(2500); //slide down if not already$('.MainFirelands').slideUp(2500); //slide up if not alreadyfacilityFee = 0; //sets facility fee to 0 $('#facilityFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(facilityFee))); //display facility fee line itemif (creditHours == ""){ //if nothing is entered in credit hours$('#genFeeTotal').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line item$('#instructFeeTotal').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line item$('#residentTotal').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line item$('#TOTAL').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line item$('#remainingTOTAL').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line itemreturn false; //you shall not pass!}else if (creditHours == 0){ //if 0 is entered in credit hours$('#genFeeTotal').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line item$('#instructFeeTotal').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line item$('#residentTotal').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line item$('#TOTAL').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line item$('#remainingTOTAL').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line itemreturn false; //you shall not pass!}else if (creditHours >= 1 && creditHours <= 12){ //if credit hours is between 1 and 12//alert(creditHours);genFee = creditHours * genFee.distance; //sets general fee$('#genFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(genFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of campus variable in semester charge columninstructFee = creditHours * instructFee.distance; //sets instructional fee$('#instructFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(instructFee))).css('color','#000000'); //display instructional fee line item//Now the if statements to figure out residency and associated feesif(resident == "outofstate"){ //if it's a non-ohio residentresidentFee = creditHours * residentFee.distance.outofstate; //changes the resident variable to the amount of the fee if distance campus and non-ohio resident are selected$('#residentTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(residentFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.internationalFee = 0; //sets international fee to 0noInternational();}else if (resident == "ohio"){ //if it's an ohio residentresidentFee = residentFee.distance.ohio * creditHours;$('#residentTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(residentFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.internationalFee = 0; //sets international fee to 0noInternational();}else if (resident == "international"){ //if it's an international studentresidentFee = creditHours * residentFee.distance.international; //changes the resident variable to the amount of the fee if distance campus and non-ohio resident are selected$('#residentTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(residentFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.internationalFee = 0; //sets international fee to 0yesInternational();}else{ //if no residency status is chosenselectResidency();noInternational();return false; //you shall not pass!}}else if (creditHours >= 13 && creditHours <= 18){ //if credit hours is greater than or equal to 13 then...//alert(creditHours);genFee = genFee.distance * 12; //sets general fee$('#genFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(genFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of campus variable in semester charge columninstructFee = instructFee.distance * 12; //sets instructional fee$('#instructFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(instructFee))).css('color','#000000'); //display instructional fee line item//Now the if statements to figure out residency and associated feesif(resident == "outofstate"){ //if it's a non-ohio resident//residentFee = 132; //changes the resident variable to the amount of the fee if distance campus and non-ohio resident are selectedresidentFee = residentFee.distance.outofstate * 12;$('#residentTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(residentFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.internationalFee = 0; //sets international fee to 0noInternational();}else if (resident == "ohio"){ //if it's an ohio residentresidentFee = residentFee.distance.ohio * 12;$('#residentTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(residentFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.internationalFee = 0; //sets international fee to 0noInternational();}else if (resident == "international"){ //if it's an international studentresidentFee = residentFee.distance.international * 12;$('#residentTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(residentFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.internationalFee = 0; //sets international fee to 0yesInternational();}else{ //if no residency status is chosenselectResidency();noInternational();return false; //you shall not pass!}}else if (creditHours >= 19){ //if credit hours is greater than 18...//alert(creditHours);genFee = genFee.distance * 12; //sets general fee$('#genFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(genFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of campus variable in semester charge columninstructFee = (instructFee.distance * 12 )+ ((creditHours - 18) * 200); //sets instructional fee$('#instructFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(instructFee))).css('color','#000000'); //display instructional fee line item//Now the if statements to figure out residency and associated feesif(resident == "outofstate"){ //if it's a non-ohio residentresidentFee = residentFee.distance.outofstate * 12; //changes the resident variable to the amount of the fee if distance campus and non-ohio resident are selected$('#residentTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(residentFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.internationalFee = 0; //sets international fee to 0noInternational();}else if (resident == "ohio"){ //if it's an ohio residentresidentFee = residentFee.distance.ohio * 12;$('#residentTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(residentFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.internationalFee = 0; //sets international fee to 0noInternational();}else if (resident == "international"){ //if it's an international studentresidentFee = residentFee.distance.international * 12; //changes the resident variable to the amount of the fee if distance campus and non-ohio resident are selected$('#residentTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(residentFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.internationalFee = 0; //sets international fee to 0yesInternational();}else{ //if no residency status is chosenselectResidency();noInternational();return false; //you shall not pass!}}else{alert('Select your residency status');//let the users know they have to select one $('#residentTotal').text('No Residency Status Selected').css('color','red'); //print text telling them no residency status is selected in line item$('#TOTAL').text('You must select residency status').css('color','red');//print text telling them no residency status is selected in totalreturn false; //you shall not pass!}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Calculation for Technology Fee ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////if(college == 0){ //When no college is selected//alert("No college selected");$('#techFeeTotal').text('College must be selected').css('color', 'red'); //print text telling them college must be selected$('#TOTAL').text('College must be selected').css('color','red');//print text telling them college must be selected$('#remainingTOTAL').text('College must be selected').css('color','red');//print text telling them college must be selectedreturn false;}techFeeCalc();//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Calculation for Distance Career Services Fee ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////if(academicLevel == 0){$('#counselingTotal').text('Academic Level must be selected').css('color', 'red'); //print text telling them academic level must be selected$('#careerTotal').text('Academic level must be selected').css('color','red');//print text telling them academic level must be selected$('#TOTAL').text('Academic level must be selected').css('color','red');//print text telling them academic level must be selected$('#remainingTOTAL').text('Academic level must be selected').css('color','red');//print text telling them academic level must be selectedreturn false;}else if(academicLevel == 1){ //if student is a Freshman then....if (creditHours >= 1 && creditHours <= 18){ //if credit hours are from 1 -18counselingFee = 0;careerFee = creditHours * careerFee.freshman;printCounselCareer();}else if (creditHours > 18){ //any credit hours greater than 18counselingFee = 0;careerFee = careerFee.freshman * 18;printCounselCareer();}}else if(academicLevel == 2){ //if student is a Sophom*ore then....if (creditHours >= 1 && creditHours <= 18){ //if credit hours are from 1 -18counselingFee = 0;careerFee = creditHours * careerFee.sophom*ore;printCounselCareer();}else if (creditHours > 18){ //any credit hours greater than 18counselingFee = 0;careerFee = careerFee.sophom*ore * 18;printCounselCareer();}}else if(academicLevel == 3){//if student is a Junior then...if (creditHours >= 1 && creditHours <= 18){ //if credit hours are from 1 -18counselingFee = 0;careerFee = creditHours * careerFee.junior;printCounselCareer();}else if (creditHours > 18){ //any credit hours greater than 18counselingFee = 0;careerFee = careerFee.juinor * 18;printCounselCareer();}}else if(academicLevel == 4){ //if student is a Senior then...if (creditHours >= 1 && creditHours <= 18){ //if credit hours are from 1 -18counselingFee = 0;careerFee = creditHours * careerFee.senior;printCounselCareer();}else if (creditHours > 18){ //any credit hours greater than 18counselingFee = 0;careerFee = careerFee.senior * 18;printCounselCareer();}}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// END OF Calculation for Counseling Service and Career Services Fee ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////TOTAL////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////total = (regFee * 1) + (genFee * 1) + (instructFee * 1) + (facilityFee * 1) + (residentFee * 1) + (expenses * 1) + (internationalFee * 1) + (techFee * 1) + (careerFee * 1) + (counselingFee * 1); //add all the fees to get the total. Multiplying variables by 1 converts them from a string to a number.//alert(total);$('#TOTAL').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(total))).css('color','#000000');}//*********END DISTANCE CAMPUS IF STATEMENT****************////////////////////////////////////IF STATEMENT FOR eCAMPUS//////////////////////////////////else if(campus == "ecampus"){ //if the campus selected is eCampus then...//alert('eCampus');var regFee = 8; //set registration fee to eight$('#regFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(regFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints $('.MainCampusQuestions').slideUp('slow'); //Fades Out Main Campus questions if not already$('.hideFirelands').slideDown(2500); //slide down if not already//$('.IPPsection').slideUp('slow'); //hide 10th install table$('.MainFirelands').slideUp(2500); //slide up if not alreadyfacilityFee = 0; //sets facility fee to 0 $('#facilityFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(facilityFee))); //display facility fee line itemif (creditHours == "" || creditHours == 0){ //if nothing is entered in credit hours$('#genFeeTotal').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line item$('#instructFeeTotal').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line item$('#residentTotal').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line item$('#TOTAL').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line item$('#remainingTOTAL').text('Enter Credit Hours').css('color', 'red'); //Prints Enter Credit Hours on line itemreturn false; //you shall not pass!}else if (creditHours >= 1 && creditHours <= 12){ //if credit hours is greater or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 12//alert(creditHours);genFee = creditHours * genFee.ecampus; //sets general fee$('#genFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(genFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of campus variable in semester charge columninstructFee = creditHours * instructFee.ecampus; //sets instructional fee$('#instructFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(instructFee))).css('color','#000000'); //display instructional fee line item//Now the if statements to figure out residency and associated feesif(resident == "outofstate"){ //if it's a non-ohio residentresidentFee = creditHours * residentFee.ecampus.outofstate; //changes the resident variable to the amount of the fee if distance campus and non-ohio resident are selected$('#residentTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(residentFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.internationalFee = 0; //sets international fee to 0noInternational();}else if (resident == "ohio"){ //if it's an ohio residentresidentFee = creditHours * residentFee.ecampus.ohio;$('#residentTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(residentFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.internationalFee = 0; //sets international fee to 0noInternational();}else if (resident == "international"){ //if it's an international studentresidentFee = creditHours * residentFee.ecampus.international; //changes the resident variable to the amount of the fee if distance campus and non-ohio resident are selected$('#residentTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(residentFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.internationalFee = 0; //sets international fee to 0yesInternational();}else{ //if no residency status is chosenselectResidency();noInternational();return false; //you shall not pass!}}else if (creditHours >= 13 && creditHours <= 18){ //if credit hours is greater or equal to 1//alert(creditHours);genFee = genFee.ecampus * 12; //sets general fee$('#genFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(genFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of campus variable in semester charge columninstructFee = instructFee.ecampus * 12; //sets instructional fee$('#instructFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(instructFee))).css('color','#000000'); //display instructional fee line item//Now the if statements to figure out residency and associated feesif(resident == "outofstate"){ //if it's a non-ohio residentresidentFee = residentFee.ecampus.outofstate * 12; //changes the resident variable to the amount of the fee if distance campus and non-ohio resident are selected$('#residentTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(residentFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.internationalFee = 0; //sets international fee to 0noInternational();}else if (resident == "ohio"){ //if it's an ohio residentresidentFee = residentFee.ecampus.ohio * 12;$('#residentTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(residentFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.internationalFee = 0; //sets international fee to 0noInternational();}else if (resident == "international"){ //if it's an international studentresidentFee = residentFee.ecampus.international * 12; //changes the resident variable to the amount of the fee if distance campus and non-ohio resident are selected$('#residentTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(residentFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.internationalFee = 0; //sets international fee to 0yesInternational();}else{ //if no residency status is chosenselectResidency();noInternational();return false; //you shall not pass!}}else if (creditHours >= 19){ //if credit hours is greater or equal to 1//alert(creditHours);genFee = genFee.ecampus * 12; //sets general fee$('#genFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(genFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of campus variable in semester charge columninstructFee = (instructFee.ecampus * 12) + ((creditHours - 18) * 200); //sets instructional fee$('#instructFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(instructFee))).css('color','#000000'); //display instructional fee line item//Now the if statements to figure out residency and associated feesif(resident == "outofstate"){ //if it's a non-ohio residentresidentFee = residentFee.ecampus.outofstate * 12; //changes the resident variable to the amount of the fee if distance campus and non-ohio resident are selected$('#residentTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(residentFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.internationalFee = 0; //sets international fee to 0noInternational();}else if (resident == "ohio"){ //if it's an ohio residentresidentFee = residentFee.ecampus.ohio * 12;$('#residentTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(residentFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.internationalFee = 0; //sets international fee to 0noInternational();}else if (resident == "international"){ //if it's an international studentresidentFee = residentFee.ecampus.international * 12; //changes the resident variable to the amount of the fee if distance campus and non-ohio resident are selected$('#residentTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(residentFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.internationalFee = 0; //sets international fee to 0yesInternational();}else{ //if no residency status is chosenselectResidency();noInternational();return false; //you shall not pass!}}else{alert('Select your residency status');//let the users know they have to select one $('#residentTotal').text('No Residency Status Selected').css('color','red'); //print text telling them no residency status is selected in line item$('#TOTAL').text('You must select residency status').css('color','red');//print text telling them no residency status is selected in totalreturn false; //you shall not pass!}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Calculation for Technology Fee ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////if(college == 0){ //When no college is selected//alert("No college selected");$('#techFeeTotal').text('College must be selected').css('color', 'red'); //print text telling them college must be selected$('#TOTAL').text('College must be selected').css('color','red');//print text telling them college must be selected$('#remainingTOTAL').text('College must be selected').css('color','red');//print text telling them college must be selectedreturn false;}techFeeCalc();//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Calculation for eCampus Career Services Fee ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////if(academicLevel == 0){$('#counselingTotal').text('Academic Level must be selected').css('color', 'red'); //print text telling them academic level must be selected$('#careerTotal').text('Academic level must be selected').css('color','red');//print text telling them academic level must be selected$('#TOTAL').text('Academic level must be selected').css('color','red');//print text telling them academic level must be selected$('#remainingTOTAL').text('Academic level must be selected').css('color','red');//print text telling them academic level must be selectedreturn false;}else if(academicLevel == 1){ //if student is a Freshman then....if (creditHours >= 1 && creditHours <= 18){ //if credit hours are from 1 -18counselingFee = 0;careerFee = creditHours * careerFee.freshman;printCounselCareer();}else if (creditHours > 18){ //any credit hours greater than 18counselingFee = 0;careerFee = careerFee.freshman * 18;printCounselCareer();}}else if(academicLevel == 2){ //if student is a Sophom*ore then....if (creditHours >= 1 && creditHours <= 18){ //if credit hours are from 1 -18counselingFee = 0;careerFee = creditHours * careerFee.sophom*ore;printCounselCareer();}else if (creditHours > 18){ //any credit hours greater than 18counselingFee = 0;careerFee = careerFee.sophom*ore * 18;printCounselCareer();}}else if(academicLevel == 3){//if student is a Junior then...if (creditHours >= 1 && creditHours <= 18){ //if credit hours are from 1 -18counselingFee = 0;careerFee = creditHours * careerFee.junior;printCounselCareer();}else if (creditHours > 18){ //any credit hours greater than 18counselingFee = 0;careerFee = careerFee.juinor * 18;printCounselCareer();}}else if(academicLevel == 4){ //if student is a Senior then...if (creditHours >= 1 && creditHours <= 18){ //if credit hours are from 1 -18counselingFee = 0;careerFee = creditHours * careerFee.senior;printCounselCareer();}else if (creditHours > 18){ //any credit hours greater than 18counselingFee = 0;careerFee = careerFee.senior * 18;printCounselCareer();}}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// END OF Calculation for Career Services Fee /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////total = (regFee * 1) + (genFee * 1) + (instructFee * 1) + (facilityFee * 1) + (residentFee * 1) + (expenses * 1) + (internationalFee * 1) + (techFee * 1) + (careerFee * 1) + (counselingFee * 1); //add all the fees to get the total. Multiplying variables by 1 converts them from a string to a number.//alert(total);$('#TOTAL').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(total))).css('color','#000000');}////////////////////////////////////IF STATEMENT FOR NO CAMPUS//////////////////////////////////else{ //if no campus is chosen//alert('Choose a campus'); //let the users know they have to choose a campus$('#genFeeTotal').text('No Campus Selected').css('color', 'red'); //Prints No Campus Selected on line item$('#TOTAL').text('You must select a campus').css('color','red');//print text telling them no residency status is selected in total$('#remainingTOTAL').text('You must select a campus').css('color','red');//print text telling them no residency status is selected in total$('#MainCampusQuestions').slideUp('slow'); //keep those main campus questions away!return false; //you shall not pass}//alert(total);finAid = $('#finAid:text').val(); //sets the value of expected financial aid variable based on input//alert('Expected financial aid is'+ finAid);remainingTotal = (total * 1) - (finAid * 1); //calculates the remaining balance$('#remainingTOTAL').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(remainingTotal))).css('color','#000000'); //display remaning balance line itemIPPoption = $('#IPP').val(); //sets the value of the IPP option based on selectionif( IPPoption == 0){$('#installments').hide();$('#installments10').hide(); //hide 10th install table}else if (IPPoption == 4){IPP = (remainingTotal * 1) / IPPoption;$('#installments').fadeIn();$('#installments10').hide(); //hide 10th install table}else if (IPPoption == 10){IPP = (remainingTotal * 2) / IPPoption;$('#installments').hide();$('#installments10').fadeIn(); //show 10th install table}$('.IPP').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(IPP))); //display remaning balance line item}calculate();$('select').change(calculate); //run the calculate function anytime a form element changes//$('body').click(calculate);$('input').keyup(calculate); //run the calculate function as the user is typing in their estimated financial aid$('input').change(calculate);});// FUNCTIONS THAT WE ARE RE-USINGfunction noInternational(){$('.InternationalQuestions').slideUp('slow'); //Fades Out International Campus questions if not alreadyreturn;}function yesInternational(){internationalFee = setInternationalFee; //sets international fee to 50 $('#InternationalFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(internationalFee))); //display international fee line iteminternationalOrientFee = $('#matriculationFee').val(); //sets the value of international orientation fee variable based on selection from matriculation field$('#internationalOrientTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(internationalOrientFee))); //display international orientation fee line item$('.InternationalQuestions').slideDown(1000); //slide down international line items}function selectResidency(){$('#residentTotal').text('No Residency Status Selected').css('color','red'); //print text telling them no residency status is selected in line item$('#counselingTotal').text('You must select residency status').css('color','red');//print text telling them no residency status is selected in total$('#careerTotal').text('You must select residency status').css('color','red');//print text telling them no residency status is selected in total$('#TOTAL').text('You must select residency status').css('color','red');//print text telling them no residency status is selected in total$('#remainingTOTAL').text('You must select residency status').css('color','red');//print text telling them no residency status is selected in totalreturn;}function printCounselCareer(){$('#counselingTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(counselingFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of counseling variable in line item.$('#careerTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(careerFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of career variable in line item.}function firelandsResidency(){if(resident == "outofstate"){ //if it's a non-ohio residentif (creditHours <= 11){residentFee = creditHours * residentFee.outofstate; //sets resident fee based on credit hours}else {residentFee = residentFee.outofstate * 12; //sets max resident fee}$('#residentTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(residentFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.noInternational();return;}else if (resident == "ohio"){ //if it's an ohio residentresidentFee= creditHours * residentFee.ohio;$('#residentTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(residentFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.noInternational();return;}else if (resident == "international"){ //if it's an international student//alert('International Student');if (creditHours <= 11){residentFee = creditHours * residentFee.international; //sets resident fee based on credit hours}else {residentFee = residentFee.international * 12; //sets max resident fee}//alert(residentFee);$('#residentTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(residentFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.yesInternational();return;}else{selectResidency();noInternational();return false; //you shall not pass!}}function techFeeCalc(){ if(college == 1){ //when Undecided is selectedif (creditHours >=1 && creditHours <=14){techFee = creditHours * techFee[1];}else if (creditHours >= 15){techFee = techFee[1] * 15;}}else if(college == 2){//When Arts & Sciences is selectedif (creditHours >=1 && creditHours <=14){techFee = creditHours * techFee[2];}else if (creditHours >= 15){techFee = techFee[2] * 15;}}else if(college == 3){//When Business Administration is selectedif (creditHours >=1 && creditHours <=14){techFee = creditHours * techFee[3];}else if (creditHours >= 15){techFee = techFee[3] * 15;}}else if(college == 4){//When Education is selectedif (creditHours >=1 && creditHours <=14){techFee = creditHours * techFee[4];}else if (creditHours >= 15){techFee = techFee[4] * 15;}}else if(college == 5){//When HHS is selectedif (creditHours >=1 && creditHours <=14){techFee = creditHours * techFee[5];}else if (creditHours >= 15){techFee = techFee[5] * 15;}}else if(college == 6){//When Musical Arts is selectedif (creditHours >=1 && creditHours <=14){techFee = creditHours * techFee[6];}else if (creditHours >= 15){techFee = techFee[6] * 15;}}else if(college == 7){//When Technology is selectedif (creditHours >=1 && creditHours <=14){techFee = creditHours * techFee[7];}else if (creditHours >= 15){techFee = techFee[7] * 15;}}else if(college == 8){//When Guest is selectedif (creditHours >=1 && creditHours <=14){techFee = creditHours * techFee[8];}else if (creditHours >= 15){techFee = techFee[8] * 15;}}$('#techFeeTotal').text(accounting.formatMoney(eval(techFee))).css('color','#000000'); //prints value of resident variable in line item.return;}

Calculate Your Estimated Cost of Attendance bySemester

FeeOptions/SelectionsSemester Charge



Instructional Fee:$0.00


International Student Service Fee:$0.00

Technology Fee:$0.00

Career Service Fee:$0.00

Facility Fee:$0.00

Counseling Center Fee:$0.00

(This waiver needs to be completed by the 15th day of the month prior to the start of the semester)


(This waiver needs to be completed by the 15th day of the month prior to the start of the semester)


(This waiver needs to be completed by the 15th day of the month prior to the start of the semester)


(This waiver needs to be completed by the 15th day of the month prior to the start of the semester)



International Orientation Fee:

(Determined based on New or Returning Student answer from above)






(Learning Community, Course Fees, etc.)

$ .00

TotalYou must choose a campus, enter credit hours, select a residency status, select a college, and indicate your academic level first.

***Make sure you are entering your semester award. Most award notifications are for the academic year. Visit your MyBGSU to review your award by semester. Be sure NOT to include Federal Work Study. The Federal Direct PLUS Loans are credit based loans. Only include Plus Loan funds if a pre-application has been submitted and approved.*** ***

Financial Aid$ .00

Remaining BalanceYou must choose a campus, enter credit hours, select a residency status, select a college, and indicate your academic level first.

Students may enroll in the Installment Payment Plan (IPP) each semester by logging into MyBGSU > Student Center > My Account > Make A Payment > Enroll in your Installment Payment Plan.

More information

1st Installment$0.00

2nd Installment$0.00

3rd Installment$0.00

4th Installment$0.00

1st Installment$0.00

2nd Installment$0.00

3rd Installment$0.00

4th Installment$0.00

5th Installment$0.00

6th Installment$0.00

7th Installment$0.00

8th Installment$0.00

9th Installment$0.00

10th Installment$0.00

*Fees are subject to change at any time with Board of Trustees' approval.
*Laboratory, course, and class fees not included.

Undergraduate-Calculate Your Cost of Attendance (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.